
nostr ios client
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en-US.xliff (173706B)

      1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      2 <xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="1.2" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/v1.2/os/xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd">
      3   <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/InfoPlist.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext">
      4     <header>
      5       <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="15.3" build-num="15E204a"/>
      6     </header>
      7     <body>
      8       <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve">
      9         <source>Damus</source>
     10         <target>Damus</target>
     11         <note>Bundle display name</note>
     12       </trans-unit>
     13       <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve">
     14         <source>damus</source>
     15         <target>damus</target>
     16         <note>Bundle name</note>
     17       </trans-unit>
     18       <trans-unit id="NSAppleMusicUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve">
     19         <source>Damus needs access to your media library for playback statuses</source>
     20         <target>Damus needs access to your media library for playback statuses</target>
     21         <note>Privacy - Media Library Usage Description</note>
     22       </trans-unit>
     23       <trans-unit id="NSCameraUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve">
     24         <source>Damus needs access to your camera in order to upload photos and scan QR codes.</source>
     25         <target>Damus needs access to your camera in order to upload photos and scan QR codes.</target>
     26         <note>Privacy - Camera Usage Description</note>
     27       </trans-unit>
     28       <trans-unit id="NSFaceIDUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve">
     29         <source>Local authentication to access private key</source>
     30         <target>Local authentication to access private key</target>
     31         <note>Privacy - Face ID Usage Description</note>
     32       </trans-unit>
     33       <trans-unit id="NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve">
     34         <source>Damus needs access to your microphone for creating video recording posts</source>
     35         <target>Damus needs access to your microphone for creating video recording posts</target>
     36         <note>Privacy - Microphone Usage Description</note>
     37       </trans-unit>
     38       <trans-unit id="NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" xml:space="preserve">
     39         <source>Granting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.</source>
     40         <target>Granting Damus access to your photos allows you to save images.</target>
     41         <note>Privacy - Photo Library Additions Usage Description</note>
     42       </trans-unit>
     43     </body>
     44   </file>
     45   <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.strings" source-language="en-US" target-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext">
     46     <header>
     47       <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="15.3" build-num="15E204a"/>
     48     </header>
     49     <body>
     50       <trans-unit id="%@ %@" xml:space="preserve">
     51         <source>%@ %@</source>
     52         <target>%@ %@</target>
     53         <note>Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many reposts. In source English, the first variable is the number of reposts, and the second variable is 'Repost' or 'Reposts'.
     54 Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many imports were performed from loading a NostrScript. In source English, the first variable is the number of imports, and the second variable is 'Import' or 'Imports'.
     55 Sentence composed of 2 variables to describe how many people are following a user. In source English, the first variable is the number of followers, and the second variable is 'Follower' or 'Followers'.</note>
     56       </trans-unit>
     57       <trans-unit id="%@ / %@" xml:space="preserve">
     58         <source>%@ / %@</source>
     59         <target>%@ / %@</target>
     60         <note>Amount of money required to subscribe to the Nostr relay. In English, this would look something like '4,000 sats / 30 days', meaning it costs 4000 sats to subscribe to the Nostr relay for 30 days.</note>
     61       </trans-unit>
     62       <trans-unit id="%@ / event" xml:space="preserve">
     63         <source>%@ / event</source>
     64         <target>%@ / event</target>
     65         <note>Amount of money required to publish to the Nostr relay. In English, this would look something like '10 sats / event', meaning it costs 10 sats to publish one event.</note>
     66       </trans-unit>
     67       <trans-unit id="%@ has been muted" xml:space="preserve">
     68         <source>%@ has been muted</source>
     69         <target>%@ has been muted</target>
     70         <note>Alert message that informs a user was muted.</note>
     71       </trans-unit>
     72       <trans-unit id="%@ not found" xml:space="preserve">
     73         <source>%@ not found</source>
     74         <target>%@ not found</target>
     75         <note>When a note or profile is not found when searching for it via its note id</note>
     76       </trans-unit>
     77       <trans-unit id="%@ reacted with %@" xml:space="preserve">
     78         <source>%1$@ reacted with %2$@</source>
     79         <target>%1$@ reacted with %2$@</target>
     80         <note>Reacted by heading in local notification</note>
     81       </trans-unit>
     82       <trans-unit id="%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction." xml:space="preserve">
     83         <source>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</source>
     84         <target>%@. Creating an account doesn't require a phone number, email or name. Get started right away with zero friction.</target>
     85         <note>Explanation of what is done to keep personally identifiable information private. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note>
     86       </trans-unit>
     87       <trans-unit id="%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs" xml:space="preserve">
     88         <source>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</source>
     89         <target>%@. End-to-End encrypted private messaging. Keep Big Tech out of your DMs</target>
     90         <note>Explanation of what is done to keep private data encrypted. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note>
     91       </trans-unit>
     92       <trans-unit id="%@. Tip your friends and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet." xml:space="preserve">
     93         <source>%@. Tip your friends and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</source>
     94         <target>%@. Tip your friends and stack sats with Bitcoin⚡️, the native currency of the internet.</target>
     95         <note>Explanation of what can be done by users to earn money. There is a heading that precedes this explanation which is a variable to this string.</note>
     96       </trans-unit>
     97       <trans-unit id="%lld%%" xml:space="preserve">
     98         <source>%lld%%</source>
     99         <target>%lld%%</target>
    100         <note>Percentage of additional zap that should be sent to support Damus development.</note>
    101       </trans-unit>
    102       <trans-unit id="%lld/%lld" xml:space="preserve">
    103         <source>%lld/%lld</source>
    104         <target>%lld/%lld</target>
    105         <note>Fraction of how many of the user's relay servers that are operational.</note>
    106       </trans-unit>
    107       <trans-unit id="'%@' is an invalid Nostr address. It should look like an email address." xml:space="preserve">
    108         <source>'%@' is an invalid Nostr address. It should look like an email address.</source>
    109         <target>'%@' is an invalid Nostr address. It should look like an email address.</target>
    110         <note>Description of why the Nostr address is invalid.</note>
    111       </trans-unit>
    112       <trans-unit id="(Contents are encrypted)" xml:space="preserve">
    113         <source>(Contents are encrypted)</source>
    114         <target>(Contents are encrypted)</target>
    115         <note>Label on push notification indicating that the contents of the message are encrypted</note>
    116       </trans-unit>
    117       <trans-unit id="1 month" xml:space="preserve">
    118         <source>1 month</source>
    119         <target>1 month</target>
    120         <note>A duration of 1 month to be shown to the user. Most likely in the context of how long they want to mute a piece of content for.</note>
    121       </trans-unit>
    122       <trans-unit id="1 week" xml:space="preserve">
    123         <source>1 week</source>
    124         <target>1 week</target>
    125         <note>A duration of 1 week to be shown to the user. Most likely in the context of how long they want to mute a piece of content for.</note>
    126       </trans-unit>
    127       <trans-unit id="24 hours" xml:space="preserve">
    128         <source>24 hours</source>
    129         <target>24 hours</target>
    130         <note>A duration of 24 hours/1 day to be shown to the user. Most likely in the context of how long they want to mute a piece of content for.</note>
    131       </trans-unit>
    132       <trans-unit id="ADMIN" xml:space="preserve">
    133         <source>ADMIN</source>
    134         <target>ADMIN</target>
    135         <note>Text label indicating the profile picture underneath it is the admin of the Nostr relay.</note>
    136       </trans-unit>
    137       <trans-unit id="API Key (optional)" xml:space="preserve">
    138         <source>API Key (optional)</source>
    139         <target>API Key (optional)</target>
    140         <note>Prompt for optional entry of API Key to use translation server.</note>
    141       </trans-unit>
    142       <trans-unit id="API Key (required)" xml:space="preserve">
    143         <source>API Key (required)</source>
    144         <target>API Key (required)</target>
    145         <note>Prompt for required entry of API Key to use translation server.</note>
    146       </trans-unit>
    147       <trans-unit id="About" xml:space="preserve">
    148         <source>About</source>
    149         <target>About</target>
    150         <note>Label to prompt for about text entry for user to describe about themself.</note>
    151       </trans-unit>
    152       <trans-unit id="About Me" xml:space="preserve">
    153         <source>About Me</source>
    154         <target>About Me</target>
    155         <note>Label for About Me section of user profile form.</note>
    156       </trans-unit>
    157       <trans-unit id="Absolute Boss" xml:space="preserve">
    158         <source>Absolute Boss</source>
    159         <target>Absolute Boss</target>
    160         <note>Placeholder text for About Me description.</note>
    161       </trans-unit>
    162       <trans-unit id="Accessibility" xml:space="preserve">
    163         <source>Accessibility</source>
    164         <target>Accessibility</target>
    165         <note>Section header for accessibility settings</note>
    166       </trans-unit>
    167       <trans-unit id="Account creation" xml:space="preserve">
    168         <source>Account creation</source>
    169         <target>Account creation</target>
    170         <note>Label for Purple account creation date</note>
    171       </trans-unit>
    172       <trans-unit id="Actions" xml:space="preserve">
    173         <source>Actions</source>
    174         <target>Actions</target>
    175         <note>Title for confirmation dialog to either share, report, or mute a profile.</note>
    176       </trans-unit>
    177       <trans-unit id="Active account" xml:space="preserve">
    178         <source>Active account</source>
    179         <target>Active account</target>
    180         <note>Badge indicating user has an active Damus Purple account</note>
    181       </trans-unit>
    182       <trans-unit id="Add" xml:space="preserve">
    183         <source>Add</source>
    184         <target>Add</target>
    185         <note>Button to add relay server to list.</note>
    186       </trans-unit>
    187       <trans-unit id="Add Bookmark" xml:space="preserve">
    188         <source>Add Bookmark</source>
    189         <target>Add Bookmark</target>
    190         <note>Button text to add bookmark to a note.</note>
    191       </trans-unit>
    192       <trans-unit id="Add all" xml:space="preserve">
    193         <source>Add all</source>
    194         <target>Add all</target>
    195         <note>Button label to re-add all original participants as profiles to reply to in a note</note>
    196       </trans-unit>
    197       <trans-unit id="Add an external link" xml:space="preserve">
    198         <source>Add an external link</source>
    199         <target>Add an external link</target>
    200         <note>Placeholder as an example of what the user could set so that the link is opened when the status is tapped.</note>
    201       </trans-unit>
    202       <trans-unit id="Add bookmark" xml:space="preserve">
    203         <source>Add bookmark</source>
    204         <target>Add bookmark</target>
    205         <note>Context menu option for adding a note bookmark.</note>
    206       </trans-unit>
    207       <trans-unit id="Add mute item" xml:space="preserve">
    208         <source>Add mute item</source>
    209         <target>Add mute item</target>
    210         <note>Title text to indicate user to an add an item to their mutelist.</note>
    211       </trans-unit>
    212       <trans-unit id="Add relay" xml:space="preserve">
    213         <source>Add relay</source>
    214         <target>Add relay</target>
    215         <note>Title text to indicate user to an add a relay.
    216 Button text to add a relay</note>
    217       </trans-unit>
    218       <trans-unit id="Add your first post" xml:space="preserve">
    219         <source>Add your first post</source>
    220         <target>Add your first post</target>
    221         <note>Prompt given to the user during onboarding, suggesting them to write their first post</note>
    222       </trans-unit>
    223       <trans-unit id="Added" xml:space="preserve">
    224         <source>Added</source>
    225         <target>Added</target>
    226         <note>Button to show relay server is already added to list.</note>
    227       </trans-unit>
    228       <trans-unit id="Additional information" xml:space="preserve">
    229         <source>Additional information</source>
    230         <target>Additional information</target>
    231         <note>Header text to prompt user to optionally provide additional information when reporting a user or note.</note>
    232       </trans-unit>
    233       <trans-unit id="All" xml:space="preserve">
    234         <source>All</source>
    235         <target>All</target>
    236         <note>Label for filter for all notifications.</note>
    237       </trans-unit>
    238       <trans-unit id="All recent notes" xml:space="preserve">
    239         <source>All recent notes</source>
    240         <target>All recent notes</target>
    241         <note>A label indicating that the notes being displayed below it are all recent notes</note>
    242       </trans-unit>
    243       <trans-unit id="Already on Nostr?" xml:space="preserve">
    244         <source>Already on Nostr?</source>
    245         <target>Already on Nostr?</target>
    246         <note>Ask the user if they already have an account on Nostr</note>
    247       </trans-unit>
    248       <trans-unit id="Always show onboarding" xml:space="preserve">
    249         <source>Always show onboarding</source>
    250         <target>Always show onboarding</target>
    251         <note>Developer mode setting to always show onboarding suggestions.</note>
    252       </trans-unit>
    253       <trans-unit id="An additional percentage of each zap will be sent to support Damus development" xml:space="preserve">
    254         <source>An additional percentage of each zap will be sent to support Damus development</source>
    255         <target>An additional percentage of each zap will be sent to support Damus development</target>
    256         <note>Text indicating that they can contribute zaps to support Damus development.</note>
    257       </trans-unit>
    258       <trans-unit id="Animations" xml:space="preserve">
    259         <source>Animations</source>
    260         <target>Animations</target>
    261         <note>Toggle to enable or disable image animation</note>
    262       </trans-unit>
    263       <trans-unit id="Annually" xml:space="preserve">
    264         <source>Annually</source>
    265         <target>Annually</target>
    266         <note>Annual renewal of purple subscription</note>
    267       </trans-unit>
    268       <trans-unit id="Anonymous" xml:space="preserve">
    269         <source>Anonymous</source>
    270         <target>Anonymous</target>
    271         <note>Picker option to indicate that a zap should be sent anonymously and not identify the user as who sent it.
    272    Placeholder display name of anonymous user.</note>
    273       </trans-unit>
    274       <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve">
    275         <source>Any</source>
    276         <target>Any</target>
    277         <note>Any amount of sats</note>
    278       </trans-unit>
    279       <trans-unit id="Appearance" xml:space="preserve">
    280         <source>Appearance</source>
    281         <target>Appearance</target>
    282         <note>Navigation title for text and appearance settings.
    283    Section header for text and appearance settings</note>
    284       </trans-unit>
    285       <trans-unit id="Appearance and filters" xml:space="preserve">
    286         <source>Appearance and filters</source>
    287         <target>Appearance and filters</target>
    288         <note>Section header for text, appearance, and content filter settings</note>
    289       </trans-unit>
    290       <trans-unit id="Are you lost?" xml:space="preserve">
    291         <source>Are you lost?</source>
    292         <target>Are you lost?</target>
    293         <note>Text asking the user if they are lost in the app.</note>
    294       </trans-unit>
    295       <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to clear the cache? This will free space, but images may take longer to load again." xml:space="preserve">
    296         <source>Are you sure you want to clear the cache? This will free space, but images may take longer to load again.</source>
    297         <target>Are you sure you want to clear the cache? This will free space, but images may take longer to load again.</target>
    298         <note>Message explaining what it means to clear the cache, asking if user wants to proceed.</note>
    299       </trans-unit>
    300       <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to connect this wallet?" xml:space="preserve">
    301         <source>Are you sure you want to connect this wallet?</source>
    302         <target>Are you sure you want to connect this wallet?</target>
    303         <note>Prompt to ask user if they want to attach their Nostr Wallet Connect lightning wallet.</note>
    304       </trans-unit>
    305       <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to delete all of your bookmarks?" xml:space="preserve">
    306         <source>Are you sure you want to delete all of your bookmarks?</source>
    307         <target>Are you sure you want to delete all of your bookmarks?</target>
    308         <note>Alert for deleting all of the bookmarks.</note>
    309       </trans-unit>
    310       <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to upload this image?" xml:space="preserve">
    311         <source>Are you sure you want to upload this image?</source>
    312         <target>Are you sure you want to upload this image?</target>
    313         <note>Alert message asking if the user wants to upload an image.</note>
    314       </trans-unit>
    315       <trans-unit id="Are you sure you want to upload this media?" xml:space="preserve">
    316         <source>Are you sure you want to upload this media?</source>
    317         <target>Are you sure you want to upload this media?</target>
    318         <note>Alert message asking if the user wants to upload media.</note>
    319       </trans-unit>
    320       <trans-unit id="As part of your Damus Purple membership, you get complimentary and automated translations. Would you like to enable Damus Purple translations?&#10;&#10;Tip: You can always change this later in Settings → Translations" xml:space="preserve">
    321         <source>As part of your Damus Purple membership, you get complimentary and automated translations. Would you like to enable Damus Purple translations?
    323 Tip: You can always change this later in Settings → Translations</source>
    324         <target>As part of your Damus Purple membership, you get complimentary and automated translations. Would you like to enable Damus Purple translations?
    326 Tip: You can always change this later in Settings → Translations</target>
    327         <note>Message notifying the user that they get auto-translations as part of their service</note>
    328       </trans-unit>
    329       <trans-unit id="Authenticated" xml:space="preserve">
    330         <source>Authenticated</source>
    331         <target>Authenticated</target>
    332         <note>Label to display that authentication to a server has succeeded.</note>
    333       </trans-unit>
    334       <trans-unit id="Automatic translations" xml:space="preserve">
    335         <source>Automatic translations</source>
    336         <target>Automatic translations</target>
    337         <note>Part 1 of 2 in message 'You unlocked automatic translations' the user gets when they sign up for Damus Purple</note>
    338       </trans-unit>
    339       <trans-unit id="Automatically translate notes" xml:space="preserve">
    340         <source>Automatically translate notes</source>
    341         <target>Automatically translate notes</target>
    342         <note>Toggle to automatically translate notes.</note>
    343       </trans-unit>
    344       <trans-unit id="Banner Image" xml:space="preserve">
    345         <source>Banner Image</source>
    346         <target>Banner Image</target>
    347         <note>Label for Banner Image section of user profile form.</note>
    348       </trans-unit>
    349       <trans-unit id="Be the first to access upcoming premium features: Automatic translations, longer note storage, and more" xml:space="preserve">
    350         <source>Be the first to access upcoming premium features: Automatic translations, longer note storage, and more</source>
    351         <target>Be the first to access upcoming premium features: Automatic translations, longer note storage, and more</target>
    352         <note>Description of new features to be expected</note>
    353       </trans-unit>
    354       <trans-unit id="Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus." xml:space="preserve">
    355         <source>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</source>
    356         <target>Before we get started, you'll need to save your account info, otherwise you won't be able to login in the future if you ever uninstall Damus.</target>
    357         <note>Reminder to user that they should save their account information.</note>
    358       </trans-unit>
    359       <trans-unit id="Bitcoin Lightning Tips" xml:space="preserve">
    360         <source>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</source>
    361         <target>Bitcoin Lightning Tips</target>
    362         <note>Label for Bitcoin Lightning Tips section of user profile form.</note>
    363       </trans-unit>
    364       <trans-unit id="Blur images" xml:space="preserve">
    365         <source>Blur images</source>
    366         <target>Blur images</target>
    367         <note>Setting to blur images</note>
    368       </trans-unit>
    369       <trans-unit id="Bookmarks" xml:space="preserve">
    370         <source>Bookmarks</source>
    371         <target>Bookmarks</target>
    372         <note>Sidebar menu label for Bookmarks view.
    373    Title of bookmarks view</note>
    374       </trans-unit>
    375       <trans-unit id="Broadcast" xml:space="preserve">
    376         <source>Broadcast</source>
    377         <target>Broadcast</target>
    378         <note>Button to broadcast note to all your relays
    379    Context menu option for broadcasting the user's note to all of the user's connected relay servers.</note>
    380       </trans-unit>
    381       <trans-unit id="Broadcast music playing on Apple Music" xml:space="preserve">
    382         <source>Broadcast music playing on Apple Music</source>
    383         <target>Broadcast music playing on Apple Music</target>
    384         <note>Toggle to enable or disable broadcasting what music is being played on Apple Music in their profile status.</note>
    385       </trans-unit>
    386       <trans-unit id="By signing up, you agree to our " xml:space="preserve">
    387         <source>By signing up, you agree to our </source>
    388         <target>By signing up, you agree to our </target>
    389         <note>Ask the user if they already have an account on Nostr</note>
    390       </trans-unit>
    391       <trans-unit id="By subscribing to Damus Purple, you are accepting our [privacy policy](https://damus.io/privacy-policy.txt) and Apple's Standard [EULA](https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/)" xml:space="preserve">
    392         <source>By subscribing to Damus Purple, you are accepting our [privacy policy](https://damus.io/privacy-policy.txt) and Apple's Standard [EULA](https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/)</source>
    393         <target>By subscribing to Damus Purple, you are accepting our [privacy policy](https://damus.io/privacy-policy.txt) and Apple's Standard [EULA](https://www.apple.com/legal/internet-services/itunes/dev/stdeula/)</target>
    394         <note>Text explaining the terms and conditions of subscribing to Damus Purple. EULA stands for End User License Agreement.</note>
    395       </trans-unit>
    396       <trans-unit id="CONTACT" xml:space="preserve">
    397         <source>CONTACT</source>
    398         <target>CONTACT</target>
    399         <note>Text label indicating that the information below is the contact information of the admin of the Nostr relay.</note>
    400       </trans-unit>
    401       <trans-unit id="Cache has been cleared" xml:space="preserve">
    402         <source>Cache has been cleared</source>
    403         <target>Cache has been cleared</target>
    404         <note>Message indicating that the cache was successfully cleared.</note>
    405       </trans-unit>
    406       <trans-unit id="Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
    407         <source>Cancel</source>
    408         <target>Cancel</target>
    409         <note>Alert button to cancel out of alert for muting a user.
    410    Button to cancel a repost.
    411    Button to cancel any interaction with the QRCode link.
    412    Button to cancel out of alert that creates a new mutelist.
    413    Button to cancel the upload.
    414    Cancel deleting bookmarks.
    415    Cancel deleting the user.
    416    Cancel out of logging out the user.</note>
    417       </trans-unit>
    418       <trans-unit id="Changing this setting will cause the cache to be cleared. This will free space, but images may take longer to load again. Are you sure you want to proceed?" xml:space="preserve">
    419         <source>Changing this setting will cause the cache to be cleared. This will free space, but images may take longer to load again. Are you sure you want to proceed?</source>
    420         <target>Changing this setting will cause the cache to be cleared. This will free space, but images may take longer to load again. Are you sure you want to proceed?</target>
    421         <note>Message explaining consequences of changing the 'enable animation' setting</note>
    422       </trans-unit>
    423       <trans-unit id="Choose from Library" xml:space="preserve">
    424         <source>Choose from Library</source>
    425         <target>Choose from Library</target>
    426         <note>Option to select photo from library</note>
    427       </trans-unit>
    428       <trans-unit id="Clear All" xml:space="preserve">
    429         <source>Clear All</source>
    430         <target>Clear All</target>
    431         <note>Button for clearing bookmarks data.</note>
    432       </trans-unit>
    433       <trans-unit id="Clear Cache" xml:space="preserve">
    434         <source>Clear Cache</source>
    435         <target>Clear Cache</target>
    436         <note>Button to clear image cache.</note>
    437       </trans-unit>
    438       <trans-unit id="Clear status" xml:space="preserve">
    439         <source>Clear status</source>
    440         <target>Clear status</target>
    441         <note>Label to prompt user to select an expiration time for the profile status to clear.</note>
    442       </trans-unit>
    443       <trans-unit id="Clearing Cache" xml:space="preserve">
    444         <source>Clearing Cache</source>
    445         <target>Clearing Cache</target>
    446         <note>Loading message indicating that the cache is being cleared.</note>
    447       </trans-unit>
    448       <trans-unit id="Coming soon" xml:space="preserve">
    449         <source>Coming soon</source>
    450         <target>Coming soon</target>
    451         <note>Feature is still in development and will be available soon</note>
    452       </trans-unit>
    453       <trans-unit id="Coming soon! Visit our website to learn more" xml:space="preserve">
    454         <source>Coming soon! Visit our website to learn more</source>
    455         <target>Coming soon! Visit our website to learn more</target>
    456         <note>Label announcing Purple, and inviting the user to learn more on the website</note>
    457       </trans-unit>
    458       <trans-unit id="Configure Damus Purple" xml:space="preserve">
    459         <source>Configure Damus Purple</source>
    460         <target>Configure Damus Purple</target>
    461         <note>Button to allow Damus Purple to be configured</note>
    462       </trans-unit>
    463       <trans-unit id="Confirmation" xml:space="preserve">
    464         <source>Confirmation</source>
    465         <target>Confirmation</target>
    466         <note>Confirmation dialog title</note>
    467       </trans-unit>
    468       <trans-unit id="Connect" xml:space="preserve">
    469         <source>Connect</source>
    470         <target>Connect</target>
    471         <note>Text for button to conect to Nostr Wallet Connect lightning wallet.
    472 Button to connect to the relay.</note>
    473       </trans-unit>
    474       <trans-unit id="Connect to Alby Wallet" xml:space="preserve">
    475         <source>Connect to Alby Wallet</source>
    476         <target>Connect to Alby Wallet</target>
    477         <note>Button to attach an Alby Wallet, a service that provides a Lightning wallet for zapping sats. Alby is the name of the service and should not be translated.</note>
    478       </trans-unit>
    479       <trans-unit id="Connect to Mutiny Wallet" xml:space="preserve">
    480         <source>Connect to Mutiny Wallet</source>
    481         <target>Connect to Mutiny Wallet</target>
    482         <note>Button to attach an Mutiny Wallet, a service that provides a Lightning wallet for zapping sats. Mutiny is the name of the service and should not be translated.</note>
    483       </trans-unit>
    484       <trans-unit id="Connecting" xml:space="preserve">
    485         <source>Connecting</source>
    486         <target>Connecting</target>
    487         <note>Relay status label that indicates a relay is connecting.</note>
    488       </trans-unit>
    489       <trans-unit id="Content filters" xml:space="preserve">
    490         <source>Content filters</source>
    491         <target>Content filters</target>
    492         <note>Section title for content filtering/moderation configuration.</note>
    493       </trans-unit>
    494       <trans-unit id="Continue" xml:space="preserve">
    495         <source>Continue</source>
    496         <target>Continue</target>
    497         <note>Continue with bookmarks.
    498    Continue with deleting the user.</note>
    499       </trans-unit>
    500       <trans-unit id="Copied" xml:space="preserve">
    501         <source>Copied</source>
    502         <target>Copied</target>
    503         <note>Label indicating that a user's key was copied.</note>
    504       </trans-unit>
    505       <trans-unit id="Copy" xml:space="preserve">
    506         <source>Copy</source>
    507         <target>Copy</target>
    508         <note>Button to copy a relay server address.
    509    Button to copy the value found.
    510    Context menu option for copying the version of damus.</note>
    511       </trans-unit>
    512       <trans-unit id="Copy Account ID" xml:space="preserve">
    513         <source>Copy Account ID</source>
    514         <target>Copy Account ID</target>
    515         <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the account that created the note.</note>
    516       </trans-unit>
    517       <trans-unit id="Copy Image" xml:space="preserve">
    518         <source>Copy Image</source>
    519         <target>Copy Image</target>
    520         <note>Context menu option to copy an image into clipboard.</note>
    521       </trans-unit>
    522       <trans-unit id="Copy Image URL" xml:space="preserve">
    523         <source>Copy Image URL</source>
    524         <target>Copy Image URL</target>
    525         <note>Context menu option to copy the URL of an image into clipboard.</note>
    526       </trans-unit>
    527       <trans-unit id="Copy LNURL" xml:space="preserve">
    528         <source>Copy LNURL</source>
    529         <target>Copy LNURL</target>
    530         <note>Context menu option for copying a user's Lightning URL.</note>
    531       </trans-unit>
    532       <trans-unit id="Copy Link" xml:space="preserve">
    533         <source>Copy Link</source>
    534         <target>Copy Link</target>
    535         <note>Button to copy link to note</note>
    536       </trans-unit>
    537       <trans-unit id="Copy Report ID" xml:space="preserve">
    538         <source>Copy Report ID</source>
    539         <target>Copy Report ID</target>
    540         <note>Button to copy report ID.</note>
    541       </trans-unit>
    542       <trans-unit id="Copy URL" xml:space="preserve">
    543         <source>Copy URL</source>
    544         <target>Copy URL</target>
    545         <note>Label for button in context menu to copy URL of the selected uploaded media asset.</note>
    546       </trans-unit>
    547       <trans-unit id="Copy invoice" xml:space="preserve">
    548         <source>Copy invoice</source>
    549         <target>Copy invoice</target>
    550         <note>Title of section for copying a Lightning invoice identifier.</note>
    551       </trans-unit>
    552       <trans-unit id="Copy note ID" xml:space="preserve">
    553         <source>Copy note ID</source>
    554         <target>Copy note ID</target>
    555         <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the note.</note>
    556       </trans-unit>
    557       <trans-unit id="Copy note JSON" xml:space="preserve">
    558         <source>Copy note JSON</source>
    559         <target>Copy note JSON</target>
    560         <note>Context menu option for copying the JSON text from the note.</note>
    561       </trans-unit>
    562       <trans-unit id="Copy text" xml:space="preserve">
    563         <source>Copy text</source>
    564         <target>Copy text</target>
    565         <note>Context menu option for copying the text from an note.</note>
    566       </trans-unit>
    567       <trans-unit id="Copy user public key" xml:space="preserve">
    568         <source>Copy user public key</source>
    569         <target>Copy user public key</target>
    570         <note>Context menu option for copying the ID of the user who created the note.</note>
    571       </trans-unit>
    572       <trans-unit id="Could not find the user you're looking for" xml:space="preserve">
    573         <source>Could not find the user you're looking for</source>
    574         <target>Could not find the user you're looking for</target>
    575         <note>Indicates that there are no users found.</note>
    576       </trans-unit>
    577       <trans-unit id="Could not find user to mute..." xml:space="preserve">
    578         <source>Could not find user to mute...</source>
    579         <target>Could not find user to mute...</target>
    580         <note>Alert message to indicate that the muted user could not be found.</note>
    581       </trans-unit>
    582       <trans-unit id="Create account" xml:space="preserve">
    583         <source>Create account</source>
    584         <target>Create account</target>
    585         <note>Button to navigate to create account view.</note>
    586       </trans-unit>
    587       <trans-unit id="Create account now" xml:space="preserve">
    588         <source>Create account now</source>
    589         <target>Create account now</target>
    590         <note>Button to create account.</note>
    591       </trans-unit>
    592       <trans-unit id="Create new mutelist" xml:space="preserve">
    593         <source>Create new mutelist</source>
    594         <target>Create new mutelist</target>
    595         <note>Title of alert prompting the user to create a new mutelist.</note>
    596       </trans-unit>
    597       <trans-unit id="Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend." xml:space="preserve">
    598         <source>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</source>
    599         <target>Creator(s) of Bitcoin. Absolute legend.</target>
    600         <note>Example description about Bitcoin creator(s), Satoshi Nakamoto.</note>
    601       </trans-unit>
    602       <trans-unit id="Custom" xml:space="preserve">
    603         <source>Custom</source>
    604         <target>Custom</target>
    605         <note>Dropdown option for selecting a custom translation server.</note>
    606       </trans-unit>
    607       <trans-unit id="DMs" xml:space="preserve">
    608         <source>DMs</source>
    609         <target>DMs</target>
    610         <note>Navigation title for DMs view, where DM is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.
    611    Navigation title for view of DMs, where DM is an English abbreviation for Direct Message.
    612    Setting to enable DM Local Notification
    613    Toolbar label for DMs view, where DM is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note>
    614       </trans-unit>
    615       <trans-unit id="Damus" xml:space="preserve">
    616         <source>Damus</source>
    617         <target>Damus</target>
    618         <note>Name of the app for the title of an internal notification</note>
    619       </trans-unit>
    620       <trans-unit id="Damus Purple" xml:space="preserve">
    621         <source>Damus Purple</source>
    622         <target>Damus Purple</target>
    623         <note>Dropdown option for selecting Damus Purple as a translation service.</note>
    624       </trans-unit>
    625       <trans-unit id="Damus Purple environment" xml:space="preserve">
    626         <source>Damus Purple environment</source>
    627         <target>Damus Purple environment</target>
    628         <note>Prompt selection of the Damus purple environment (Developer feature to switch between real/production mode to test modes).</note>
    629       </trans-unit>
    630       <trans-unit id="Damus Wallet" xml:space="preserve">
    631         <source>Damus Wallet</source>
    632         <target>Damus Wallet</target>
    633         <note>Title text for Damus Wallet view.</note>
    634       </trans-unit>
    635       <trans-unit id="DeepL (Proprietary, Higher Accuracy)" xml:space="preserve">
    636         <source>DeepL (Proprietary, Higher Accuracy)</source>
    637         <target>DeepL (Proprietary, Higher Accuracy)</target>
    638         <note>Dropdown option for selecting DeepL as the translation service.</note>
    639       </trans-unit>
    640       <trans-unit id="Default Wallet" xml:space="preserve">
    641         <source>Default Wallet</source>
    642         <target>Default Wallet</target>
    643         <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice with the user's default Lightning wallet.</note>
    644       </trans-unit>
    645       <trans-unit id="Default Zap Amount in sats" xml:space="preserve">
    646         <source>Default Zap Amount in sats</source>
    647         <target>Default Zap Amount in sats</target>
    648         <note>Title for section in zap settings that controls the default zap amount in sats.</note>
    649       </trans-unit>
    650       <trans-unit id="Delete" xml:space="preserve">
    651         <source>Delete</source>
    652         <target>Delete</target>
    653         <note>Button for deleting the users account.
    654    Button to remove a user from their mutelist.</note>
    655       </trans-unit>
    656       <trans-unit id="Delete Account" xml:space="preserve">
    657         <source>Delete Account</source>
    658         <target>Delete Account</target>
    659         <note>Button to delete the user's account.</note>
    660       </trans-unit>
    661       <trans-unit id="Description" xml:space="preserve">
    662         <source>Description</source>
    663         <target>Description</target>
    664         <note>Description of the specific Nostr relay server.</note>
    665       </trans-unit>
    666       <trans-unit id="Developer" xml:space="preserve">
    667         <source>Developer</source>
    668         <target>Developer</target>
    669         <note>Navigation title for developer settings
    670    Section header for developer settings</note>
    671       </trans-unit>
    672       <trans-unit id="Developer Mode" xml:space="preserve">
    673         <source>Developer Mode</source>
    674         <target>Developer Mode</target>
    675         <note>Setting to enable developer mode</note>
    676       </trans-unit>
    677       <trans-unit id="Developer Mode enables features and options that may help developers diagnose issues and improve this app. Most users will not need Developer Mode." xml:space="preserve">
    678         <source>Developer Mode enables features and options that may help developers diagnose issues and improve this app. Most users will not need Developer Mode.</source>
    679         <target>Developer Mode enables features and options that may help developers diagnose issues and improve this app. Most users will not need Developer Mode.</target>
    680         <note>Section header for Developer Settings view</note>
    681       </trans-unit>
    682       <trans-unit id="Disconnect" xml:space="preserve">
    683         <source>Disconnect</source>
    684         <target>Disconnect</target>
    685         <note>Button to disconnect from the relay.
    686 Button to disconnect from a relay server.</note>
    687       </trans-unit>
    688       <trans-unit id="Disconnect Wallet" xml:space="preserve">
    689         <source>Disconnect Wallet</source>
    690         <target>Disconnect Wallet</target>
    691         <note>Text for button to disconnect from Nostr Wallet Connect lightning wallet.</note>
    692       </trans-unit>
    693       <trans-unit id="Dismiss" xml:space="preserve">
    694         <source>Dismiss</source>
    695         <target>Dismiss</target>
    696         <note>Button to dismiss alert</note>
    697       </trans-unit>
    698       <trans-unit id="Display name" xml:space="preserve">
    699         <source>Display name</source>
    700         <target>Display name</target>
    701         <note>Label to prompt display name entry.</note>
    702       </trans-unit>
    703       <trans-unit id="Done" xml:space="preserve">
    704         <source>Done</source>
    705         <target>Done</target>
    706         <note>Button to dismiss wallet selection view for paying Lightning invoice.</note>
    707       </trans-unit>
    708       <trans-unit id="Duplicate relay" xml:space="preserve">
    709         <source>Duplicate relay</source>
    710         <target>Duplicate relay</target>
    711         <note>Title of the duplicate relay error message.</note>
    712       </trans-unit>
    713       <trans-unit id="Duration" xml:space="preserve">
    714         <source>Duration</source>
    715         <target>Duration</target>
    716         <note>Label for profile status expiration duration picker.</note>
    717       </trans-unit>
    718       <trans-unit id="EULA" xml:space="preserve">
    719         <source>EULA</source>
    720         <target>EULA</target>
    721         <note>Navigation title of view that shows the EULA, an acronym for End User License Agreement.</note>
    722       </trans-unit>
    723       <trans-unit id="Earn Money" xml:space="preserve">
    724         <source>Earn Money</source>
    725         <target>Earn Money</target>
    726         <note>Heading indicating that this application allows users to earn money.</note>
    727       </trans-unit>
    728       <trans-unit id="Edit" xml:space="preserve">
    729         <source>Edit</source>
    730         <target>Edit</target>
    731         <note>Button to edit user's profile.</note>
    732       </trans-unit>
    733       <trans-unit id="Enable Purple auto-translations" xml:space="preserve">
    734         <source>Enable Purple auto-translations</source>
    735         <target>Enable Purple auto-translations</target>
    736         <note>Label for button that allows users to enable Damus Purple translations</note>
    737       </trans-unit>
    738       <trans-unit id="Enable experimental Purple API support" xml:space="preserve">
    739         <source>Enable experimental Purple API support</source>
    740         <target>Enable experimental Purple API support</target>
    741         <note>Developer mode setting to enable experimental Purple API support.</note>
    742       </trans-unit>
    743       <trans-unit id="Enable experimental Purple In-app purchase support" xml:space="preserve">
    744         <source>Enable experimental Purple In-app purchase support</source>
    745         <target>Enable experimental Purple In-app purchase support</target>
    746         <note>Developer mode setting to enable experimental Purple In-app purchase support.</note>
    747       </trans-unit>
    748       <trans-unit id="Enable experimental push notifications" xml:space="preserve">
    749         <source>Enable experimental push notifications</source>
    750         <target>Enable experimental push notifications</target>
    751         <note>Developer mode setting to enable experimental push notifications.</note>
    752       </trans-unit>
    753       <trans-unit id="Encrypted" xml:space="preserve">
    754         <source>Encrypted</source>
    755         <target>Encrypted</target>
    756         <note>Heading indicating that this application keeps private messaging end-to-end encrypted.</note>
    757       </trans-unit>
    758       <trans-unit id="Enter your account key" xml:space="preserve">
    759         <source>Enter your account key</source>
    760         <target>Enter your account key</target>
    761         <note>Prompt for user to enter an account key to login.</note>
    762       </trans-unit>
    763       <trans-unit id="Error" xml:space="preserve">
    764         <source>Error</source>
    765         <target>Error</target>
    766         <note>Label to display that authentication to a server has failed.
    767 Relay status label that indicates a relay had an error when connecting</note>
    768       </trans-unit>
    769       <trans-unit id="Error fetching lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve">
    770         <source>Error fetching lightning invoice</source>
    771         <target>Error fetching lightning invoice</target>
    772         <note>Message to display when there was an error fetching a lightning invoice while attempting to zap.</note>
    773       </trans-unit>
    774       <trans-unit id="Error retrieving muted event" xml:space="preserve">
    775         <source>Error retrieving muted event</source>
    776         <target>Error retrieving muted event</target>
    777         <note>Text for an item that application failed to retrieve the muted event for.</note>
    778       </trans-unit>
    779       <trans-unit id="Error: %@" xml:space="preserve">
    780         <source>Error: %@</source>
    781         <target>Error: %@</target>
    782         <note>Error message indicating why saving keys failed.</note>
    783       </trans-unit>
    784       <trans-unit id="Everyone will see that you zapped" xml:space="preserve">
    785         <source>Everyone will see that you zapped</source>
    786         <target>Everyone will see that you zapped</target>
    787         <note>Description of public zap type where the zap is sent publicly and identifies the user who sent it.</note>
    788       </trans-unit>
    789       <trans-unit id="Exclusive features" xml:space="preserve">
    790         <source>Exclusive features</source>
    791         <target>Exclusive features</target>
    792         <note>Features only available on subscription service</note>
    793       </trans-unit>
    794       <trans-unit id="Executed successfully, returned with code %@" xml:space="preserve">
    795         <source>Executed successfully, returned with code %@</source>
    796         <target>Executed successfully, returned with code %@</target>
    797         <note>Indication that the execution of running a NostrScript finished successfully, while providing a numeric return code.</note>
    798       </trans-unit>
    799       <trans-unit id="Expired account" xml:space="preserve">
    800         <source>Expired account</source>
    801         <target>Expired account</target>
    802         <note>Badge indicating user has an expired Damus Purple account</note>
    803       </trans-unit>
    804       <trans-unit id="Expiry date" xml:space="preserve">
    805         <source>Expiry date</source>
    806         <target>Expiry date</target>
    807         <note>Label for Purple subscription expiry date</note>
    808       </trans-unit>
    809       <trans-unit id="Failed to initialize" xml:space="preserve">
    810         <source>Failed to initialize</source>
    811         <target>Failed to initialize</target>
    812         <note>NostrScript error message when it fails to initialize a module.</note>
    813       </trans-unit>
    814       <trans-unit id="Failed to parse" xml:space="preserve">
    815         <source>Failed to parse</source>
    816         <target>Failed to parse</target>
    817         <note>NostrScript error message when it fails to parse a script.</note>
    818       </trans-unit>
    819       <trans-unit id="Follow" xml:space="preserve">
    820         <source>Follow</source>
    821         <target>Follow</target>
    822         <note>Button to follow a user.</note>
    823       </trans-unit>
    824       <trans-unit id="Follow All" xml:space="preserve">
    825         <source>Follow All</source>
    826         <target>Follow All</target>
    827         <note>Button to follow all users in this section</note>
    828       </trans-unit>
    829       <trans-unit id="Follow Back" xml:space="preserve">
    830         <source>Follow Back</source>
    831         <target>Follow Back</target>
    832         <note>Button to follow a user back.</note>
    833       </trans-unit>
    834       <trans-unit id="Follow hashtag" xml:space="preserve">
    835         <source>Follow hashtag</source>
    836         <target>Follow hashtag</target>
    837         <note>Button to follow a given hashtag.</note>
    838       </trans-unit>
    839       <trans-unit id="Follow me on Nostr" xml:space="preserve">
    840         <source>Follow me on Nostr</source>
    841         <target>Follow me on Nostr</target>
    842         <note>Text on QR code view to prompt viewer looking at screen to follow the user.</note>
    843       </trans-unit>
    844       <trans-unit id="Followed by %@" xml:space="preserve">
    845         <source>Followed by %@</source>
    846         <target>Followed by %@</target>
    847         <note>Text to indicate that the user is followed by one of our follows.</note>
    848       </trans-unit>
    849       <trans-unit id="Followed by %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve">
    850         <source>Followed by %1$@ &amp; %2$@</source>
    851         <target>Followed by %1$@ &amp; %2$@</target>
    852         <note>Text to indicate that the user is followed by two of our follows.</note>
    853       </trans-unit>
    854       <trans-unit id="Followed by %@, %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve">
    855         <source>Followed by %1$@, %2$@ &amp; %3$@</source>
    856         <target>Followed by %1$@, %2$@ &amp; %3$@</target>
    857         <note>Text to indicate that the user is followed by three of our follows.</note>
    858       </trans-unit>
    859       <trans-unit id="Followers" xml:space="preserve">
    860         <source>Followers</source>
    861         <target>Followers</target>
    862         <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note>
    863       </trans-unit>
    864       <trans-unit id="Followers You Know" xml:space="preserve">
    865         <source>Followers You Know</source>
    866         <target>Followers You Know</target>
    867         <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who is following a user.</note>
    868       </trans-unit>
    869       <trans-unit id="Following" xml:space="preserve">
    870         <source>Following</source>
    871         <target>Following</target>
    872         <note>Navigation bar title for view that shows who a user is following.</note>
    873       </trans-unit>
    874       <trans-unit id="Following..." xml:space="preserve">
    875         <source>Following...</source>
    876         <target>Following...</target>
    877         <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of following another user.</note>
    878       </trans-unit>
    879       <trans-unit id="Follows you" xml:space="preserve">
    880         <source>Follows you</source>
    881         <target>Follows you</target>
    882         <note>Text to indicate that a user is following your profile.</note>
    883       </trans-unit>
    884       <trans-unit id="Font Size" xml:space="preserve">
    885         <source>Font Size</source>
    886         <target>Font Size</target>
    887         <note>Section label for font size settings.</note>
    888       </trans-unit>
    889       <trans-unit id="For #Introductions! I’m a software developer.&#10;&#10;My side interests include languages and I am striving to be a #polyglot - I am a native English speaker and can speak French, German and Japanese." xml:space="preserve">
    890         <source>For #Introductions! I’m a software developer.
    892 My side interests include languages and I am striving to be a #polyglot - I am a native English speaker and can speak French, German and Japanese.</source>
    893         <target>For #Introductions! I’m a software developer.
    895 My side interests include languages and I am striving to be a #polyglot - I am a native English speaker and can speak French, German and Japanese.</target>
    896         <note>First post example given to the user during onboarding, as a suggestion as to what they could post first</note>
    897       </trans-unit>
    898       <trans-unit id="Found&#10; (qrCodeValue)" xml:space="preserve">
    899         <source>Found
    900  (qrCodeValue)</source>
    901         <target>Found
    902  (qrCodeValue)</target>
    903         <note>Alert message asking if the user wants to open the link.</note>
    904       </trans-unit>
    905       <trans-unit id="Free" xml:space="preserve">
    906         <source>Free</source>
    907         <target>Free</target>
    908         <note>Dropdown option for selecting Free plan for DeepL translation service.</note>
    909       </trans-unit>
    910       <trans-unit id="Get API Key" xml:space="preserve">
    911         <source>Get API Key</source>
    912         <target>Get API Key</target>
    913         <note>Button to navigate to DeepL website to get a translation API key.</note>
    914       </trans-unit>
    915       <trans-unit id="Get API Key with BTC/Lightning" xml:space="preserve">
    916         <source>Get API Key with BTC/Lightning</source>
    917         <target>Get API Key with BTC/Lightning</target>
    918         <note>Button to navigate to nokyctranslate website to get a translation API key.
    919    Button to navigate to translate.nostr.wine to get a translation API key.</note>
    920       </trans-unit>
    921       <trans-unit id="Get a special badge on your profile to show everyone your contribution to Freedom tech" xml:space="preserve">
    922         <source>Get a special badge on your profile to show everyone your contribution to Freedom tech</source>
    923         <target>Get a special badge on your profile to show everyone your contribution to Freedom tech</target>
    924         <note>Supporter badge description</note>
    925       </trans-unit>
    926       <trans-unit id="Hashtags" xml:space="preserve">
    927         <source>Hashtags</source>
    928         <target>Hashtags</target>
    929         <note>Section header title for a list of hashtags that are muted.</note>
    930       </trans-unit>
    931       <trans-unit id="Hello everybody!&#10;&#10;This is my first post on Damus, I am happy to meet you all 🤙. What’s up?&#10;&#10;#introductions" xml:space="preserve">
    932         <source>Hello everybody!
    934 This is my first post on Damus, I am happy to meet you all 🤙. What’s up?
    936 #introductions</source>
    937         <target>Hello everybody!
    939 This is my first post on Damus, I am happy to meet you all 🤙. What’s up?
    941 #introductions</target>
    942         <note>First post example given to the user during onboarding, as a suggestion as to what they could post first</note>
    943       </trans-unit>
    944       <trans-unit id="Help Build The Future" xml:space="preserve">
    945         <source>Help Build The Future</source>
    946         <target>Help Build The Future</target>
    947         <note>Title for funding future damus development</note>
    948       </trans-unit>
    949       <trans-unit id="Help build the future of decentralized communication on the web." xml:space="preserve">
    950         <source>Help build the future of decentralized communication on the web.</source>
    951         <target>Help build the future of decentralized communication on the web.</target>
    952         <note>Text indicating the goal of developing Damus which the user can help with.</note>
    953       </trans-unit>
    954       <trans-unit id="Help us stay independent in our mission for Freedom tech with our Purple subscription, and look cool doing it!" xml:space="preserve">
    955         <source>Help us stay independent in our mission for Freedom tech with our Purple subscription, and look cool doing it!</source>
    956         <target>Help us stay independent in our mission for Freedom tech with our Purple subscription, and look cool doing it!</target>
    957         <note>Damus purple subscription pitch</note>
    958       </trans-unit>
    959       <trans-unit id="Hide" xml:space="preserve">
    960         <source>Hide</source>
    961         <target>Hide</target>
    962         <note>Button to hide a note which has been muted.</note>
    963       </trans-unit>
    964       <trans-unit id="Hide all 🤙's" xml:space="preserve">
    965         <source>Hide all 🤙's</source>
    966         <target>Hide all 🤙's</target>
    967         <note>Section footer describing OnlyZaps mode</note>
    968       </trans-unit>
    969       <trans-unit id="Hide notes with #nsfw tags" xml:space="preserve">
    970         <source>Hide notes with #nsfw tags</source>
    971         <target>Hide notes with #nsfw tags</target>
    972         <note>Setting to hide notes with the #nsfw (not safe for work) tags</note>
    973       </trans-unit>
    974       <trans-unit id="Home" xml:space="preserve">
    975         <source>Home</source>
    976         <target>Home</target>
    977         <note>Navigation bar title for Home view where notes and replies appear from those who the user is following.</note>
    978       </trans-unit>
    979       <trans-unit id="Howdy! I’m a graphic designer during the day and coder at night, but I’m also trying to spend more time outdoors.&#10;&#10;Hope to meet folks who are on their own journeys to a peaceful and free life!" xml:space="preserve">
    980         <source>Howdy! I’m a graphic designer during the day and coder at night, but I’m also trying to spend more time outdoors.
    982 Hope to meet folks who are on their own journeys to a peaceful and free life!</source>
    983         <target>Howdy! I’m a graphic designer during the day and coder at night, but I’m also trying to spend more time outdoors.
    985 Hope to meet folks who are on their own journeys to a peaceful and free life!</target>
    986         <note>First post example given to the user during onboarding, as a suggestion as to what they could post first</note>
    987       </trans-unit>
    988       <trans-unit id="Illegal Content" xml:space="preserve">
    989         <source>Illegal Content</source>
    990         <target>Illegal Content</target>
    991         <note>Description of report type for illegal content.</note>
    992       </trans-unit>
    993       <trans-unit id="Image uploader" xml:space="preserve">
    994         <source>Image uploader</source>
    995         <target>Image uploader</target>
    996         <note>Prompt selection of user's image uploader</note>
    997       </trans-unit>
    998       <trans-unit id="Images" xml:space="preserve">
    999         <source>Images</source>
   1000         <target>Images</target>
   1001         <note>Section title for images configuration.</note>
   1002       </trans-unit>
   1003       <trans-unit id="Impersonation" xml:space="preserve">
   1004         <source>Impersonation</source>
   1005         <target>Impersonation</target>
   1006         <note>Description of report type for impersonation.</note>
   1007       </trans-unit>
   1008       <trans-unit id="Indefinite" xml:space="preserve">
   1009         <source>Indefinite</source>
   1010         <target>Indefinite</target>
   1011         <note>Mute a given item indefinitly (until user unmutes it). As opposed to muting the item for a given period of time.</note>
   1012       </trans-unit>
   1013       <trans-unit id="Internal app notification" xml:space="preserve">
   1014         <source>Internal app notification</source>
   1015         <target>Internal app notification</target>
   1016         <note>Badge indicating that a notification is an official internal app notification</note>
   1017       </trans-unit>
   1018       <trans-unit id="Invalid Nostr wallet connection string" xml:space="preserve">
   1019         <source>Invalid Nostr wallet connection string</source>
   1020         <target>Invalid Nostr wallet connection string</target>
   1021         <note>Error message when an invalid Nostr wallet connection string is provided.</note>
   1022       </trans-unit>
   1023       <trans-unit id="Invalid Tip Address" xml:space="preserve">
   1024         <source>Invalid Tip Address</source>
   1025         <target>Invalid Tip Address</target>
   1026         <note>Title of alerting as invalid tip address.</note>
   1027       </trans-unit>
   1028       <trans-unit id="Invalid key" xml:space="preserve">
   1029         <source>Invalid key</source>
   1030         <target>Invalid key</target>
   1031         <note>Error message indicating that an invalid account key was entered for login.</note>
   1032       </trans-unit>
   1033       <trans-unit id="Invalid lightning address" xml:space="preserve">
   1034         <source>Invalid lightning address</source>
   1035         <target>Invalid lightning address</target>
   1036         <note>Message to display when there was an error attempting to zap due to an invalid lightning address.</note>
   1037       </trans-unit>
   1038       <trans-unit id="It seems that you already have a translation service configured. Would you like to switch to Damus Purple as your translator?" xml:space="preserve">
   1039         <source>It seems that you already have a translation service configured. Would you like to switch to Damus Purple as your translator?</source>
   1040         <target>It seems that you already have a translation service configured. Would you like to switch to Damus Purple as your translator?</target>
   1041         <note>Confirmation dialog question asking users if they want their translation settings to be automatically switched to the Damus Purple translation service</note>
   1042       </trans-unit>
   1043       <trans-unit id="Keys" xml:space="preserve">
   1044         <source>Keys</source>
   1045         <target>Keys</target>
   1046         <note>Navigation title for managing keys.
   1047    Settings section for managing keys</note>
   1048       </trans-unit>
   1049       <trans-unit id="LIVE" xml:space="preserve">
   1050         <source>LIVE</source>
   1051         <target>LIVE</target>
   1052         <note>Text indicator that the video is a livestream.</note>
   1053       </trans-unit>
   1054       <trans-unit id="Learn more about Nostr" xml:space="preserve">
   1055         <source>Learn more about Nostr</source>
   1056         <target>Learn more about Nostr</target>
   1057         <note>Button that opens up a webpage where the user can learn more about Nostr.</note>
   1058       </trans-unit>
   1059       <trans-unit id="Learn more about the features" xml:space="preserve">
   1060         <source>Learn more about the features</source>
   1061         <target>Learn more about the features</target>
   1062         <note>Label for a link to the Damus website, to allow the user to learn more about the features of Purple</note>
   1063       </trans-unit>
   1064       <trans-unit id="Left Handed" xml:space="preserve">
   1065         <source>Left Handed</source>
   1066         <target>Left Handed</target>
   1067         <note>Moves the post button to the left side of the screen</note>
   1068       </trans-unit>
   1069       <trans-unit id="Let's get started!" xml:space="preserve">
   1070         <source>Let's get started!</source>
   1071         <target>Let's get started!</target>
   1072         <note>Button to continue to login page.</note>
   1073       </trans-unit>
   1074       <trans-unit id="Let's go!" xml:space="preserve">
   1075         <source>Let's go!</source>
   1076         <target>Let's go!</target>
   1077         <note>Button to complete account creation and start using the app.</note>
   1078       </trans-unit>
   1079       <trans-unit id="LibreTranslate (Open Source)" xml:space="preserve">
   1080         <source>LibreTranslate (Open Source)</source>
   1081         <target>LibreTranslate (Open Source)</target>
   1082         <note>Dropdown option for selecting LibreTranslate as the translation service.</note>
   1083       </trans-unit>
   1084       <trans-unit id="Lightning Address or LNURL" xml:space="preserve">
   1085         <source>Lightning Address or LNURL</source>
   1086         <target>Lightning Address or LNURL</target>
   1087         <note>Placeholder text for entry of Lightning Address or LNURL.</note>
   1088       </trans-unit>
   1089       <trans-unit id="Lightning Invoice" xml:space="preserve">
   1090         <source>Lightning Invoice</source>
   1091         <target>Lightning Invoice</target>
   1092         <note>Indicates that the view is for paying a Lightning invoice.</note>
   1093       </trans-unit>
   1094       <trans-unit id="Like" xml:space="preserve">
   1095         <source>Like</source>
   1096         <target>Like</target>
   1097         <note>Accessibility Label for Like button</note>
   1098       </trans-unit>
   1099       <trans-unit id="Likes" xml:space="preserve">
   1100         <source>Likes</source>
   1101         <target>Likes</target>
   1102         <note>Setting to enable Like Local Notification</note>
   1103       </trans-unit>
   1104       <trans-unit id="Load media" xml:space="preserve">
   1105         <source>Load media</source>
   1106         <target>Load media</target>
   1107         <note>Button to show media in note.</note>
   1108       </trans-unit>
   1109       <trans-unit id="Local Notifications" xml:space="preserve">
   1110         <source>Local Notifications</source>
   1111         <target>Local Notifications</target>
   1112         <note>Section header for damus local notifications user configuration</note>
   1113       </trans-unit>
   1114       <trans-unit id="Local authentication to access private key" xml:space="preserve">
   1115         <source>Local authentication to access private key</source>
   1116         <target>Local authentication to access private key</target>
   1117         <note>Face ID usage description shown when trying to access private key</note>
   1118       </trans-unit>
   1119       <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve">
   1120         <source>Local default</source>
   1121         <target>Local default</target>
   1122         <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note>
   1123       </trans-unit>
   1124       <trans-unit id="Login" xml:space="preserve">
   1125         <source>Login</source>
   1126         <target>Login</target>
   1127         <note>Button to navigate to login view.</note>
   1128       </trans-unit>
   1129       <trans-unit id="Logout" xml:space="preserve">
   1130         <source>Logout</source>
   1131         <target>Logout</target>
   1132         <note>Alert for logging out the user.
   1133    Button for logging out the user.</note>
   1134       </trans-unit>
   1135       <trans-unit id="Looking for %@..." xml:space="preserve">
   1136         <source>Looking for %@...</source>
   1137         <target>Looking for %@...</target>
   1138         <note>Label that appears when searching for note or profile</note>
   1139       </trans-unit>
   1140       <trans-unit id="Make Default" xml:space="preserve">
   1141         <source>Make Default</source>
   1142         <target>Make Default</target>
   1143         <note>Button label to indicate that tapping it will make the selected zap type be the default for future zaps.</note>
   1144       </trans-unit>
   1145       <trans-unit id="Make sure the wallet you are connecting to supports NWC." xml:space="preserve">
   1146         <source>Make sure the wallet you are connecting to supports NWC.</source>
   1147         <target>Make sure the wallet you are connecting to supports NWC.</target>
   1148         <note>Hint message when an invalid Nostr wallet connection string is provided.</note>
   1149       </trans-unit>
   1150       <trans-unit id="Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account" xml:space="preserve">
   1151         <source>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</source>
   1152         <target>Make sure your nsec account key is saved before you logout or you will lose access to this account</target>
   1153         <note>Reminder message in alert to get customer to verify that their private security account key is saved saved before logging out.</note>
   1154       </trans-unit>
   1155       <trans-unit id="Manage" xml:space="preserve">
   1156         <source>Manage</source>
   1157         <target>Manage</target>
   1158         <note>Manage the damus subscription</note>
   1159       </trans-unit>
   1160       <trans-unit id="Manage subscription" xml:space="preserve">
   1161         <source>Manage subscription</source>
   1162         <target>Manage subscription</target>
   1163         <note>Button to take user to manage Damus Purple subscription</note>
   1164       </trans-unit>
   1165       <trans-unit id="Media previews" xml:space="preserve">
   1166         <source>Media previews</source>
   1167         <target>Media previews</target>
   1168         <note>Setting to show media</note>
   1169       </trans-unit>
   1170       <trans-unit id="Mentioned by %@" xml:space="preserve">
   1171         <source>Mentioned by %@</source>
   1172         <target>Mentioned by %@</target>
   1173         <note>Mentioned by heading in local notification</note>
   1174       </trans-unit>
   1175       <trans-unit id="Mentions" xml:space="preserve">
   1176         <source>Mentions</source>
   1177         <target>Mentions</target>
   1178         <note>Setting to enable Mention Local Notification</note>
   1179       </trans-unit>
   1180       <trans-unit id="Merch" xml:space="preserve">
   1181         <source>Merch</source>
   1182         <target>Merch</target>
   1183         <note>Sidebar menu label for merch store link.</note>
   1184       </trans-unit>
   1185       <trans-unit id="Message" xml:space="preserve">
   1186         <source>Message</source>
   1187         <target>Message</target>
   1188         <note>Button label that allows the user to start a direct message conversation with the user shown on-screen</note>
   1189       </trans-unit>
   1190       <trans-unit id="Monthly" xml:space="preserve">
   1191         <source>Monthly</source>
   1192         <target>Monthly</target>
   1193         <note>Monthly renewal of purple subscription</note>
   1194       </trans-unit>
   1195       <trans-unit id="Mute" xml:space="preserve">
   1196         <source>Mute</source>
   1197         <target>Mute</target>
   1198         <note>Alert button to mute a user.</note>
   1199       </trans-unit>
   1200       <trans-unit id="Mute %@?" xml:space="preserve">
   1201         <source>Mute %@?</source>
   1202         <target>Mute %@?</target>
   1203         <note>Alert message prompt to ask if a user should be muted.</note>
   1204       </trans-unit>
   1205       <trans-unit id="Mute Hashtag" xml:space="preserve">
   1206         <source>Mute Hashtag</source>
   1207         <target>Mute Hashtag</target>
   1208         <note>Label represnting a button that the user can tap to mute a given hashtag so they don't see it in their feed anymore.</note>
   1209       </trans-unit>
   1210       <trans-unit id="Mute User" xml:space="preserve">
   1211         <source>Mute User</source>
   1212         <target>Mute User</target>
   1213         <note>Title of alert for muting a user.</note>
   1214       </trans-unit>
   1215       <trans-unit id="Mute conversation" xml:space="preserve">
   1216         <source>Mute conversation</source>
   1217         <target>Mute conversation</target>
   1218         <note>Context menu option for muting a conversation.</note>
   1219       </trans-unit>
   1220       <trans-unit id="Mute user" xml:space="preserve">
   1221         <source>Mute user</source>
   1222         <target>Mute user</target>
   1223         <note>Context menu option for muting users.</note>
   1224       </trans-unit>
   1225       <trans-unit id="Muted" xml:space="preserve">
   1226         <source>Muted</source>
   1227         <target>Muted</target>
   1228         <note>Navigation title of view to see list of muted users &amp; phrases.
   1229    Sidebar menu label for muted users view.</note>
   1230       </trans-unit>
   1231       <trans-unit id="N/A" xml:space="preserve">
   1232         <source>N/A</source>
   1233         <target>N/A</target>
   1234         <note>Text label indicating that there is no NIP-11 relay admin contact information found. In English, N/A stands for not applicable.
   1235 Text label indicating that there is no NIP-11 relay description information found. In English, N/A stands for not applicable.
   1236 Text label indicating that there is no NIP-11 relay software information found. In English, N/A stands for not applicable.</note>
   1237       </trans-unit>
   1238       <trans-unit id="Never" xml:space="preserve">
   1239         <source>Never</source>
   1240         <target>Never</target>
   1241         <note>Profile status duration setting of never expiring.</note>
   1242       </trans-unit>
   1243       <trans-unit id="New encrypted direct message" xml:space="preserve">
   1244         <source>New encrypted direct message</source>
   1245         <target>New encrypted direct message</target>
   1246         <note>Notification that the user has received a new direct message</note>
   1247       </trans-unit>
   1248       <trans-unit id="New message" xml:space="preserve">
   1249         <source>New message</source>
   1250         <target>New message</target>
   1251         <note>Title label for push notifications where a direct message was sent to the user</note>
   1252       </trans-unit>
   1253       <trans-unit id="New note reaction" xml:space="preserve">
   1254         <source>New note reaction</source>
   1255         <target>New note reaction</target>
   1256         <note>Title label for push notifications where someone reacted to the user's post with a specific emoji</note>
   1257       </trans-unit>
   1258       <trans-unit id="New to Nostr?" xml:space="preserve">
   1259         <source>New to Nostr?</source>
   1260         <target>New to Nostr?</target>
   1261         <note>Ask the user if they are new to Nostr</note>
   1262       </trans-unit>
   1263       <trans-unit id="No" xml:space="preserve">
   1264         <source>No</source>
   1265         <target>No</target>
   1266         <note>User confirm No</note>
   1267       </trans-unit>
   1268       <trans-unit id="No logs to display" xml:space="preserve">
   1269         <source>No logs to display</source>
   1270         <target>No logs to display</target>
   1271         <note>Label to indicate that there are no developer mode logs available to be displayed on the screen</note>
   1272       </trans-unit>
   1273       <trans-unit id="No mute list found, create a new one? This will overwrite any previous mute lists." xml:space="preserve">
   1274         <source>No mute list found, create a new one? This will overwrite any previous mute lists.</source>
   1275         <target>No mute list found, create a new one? This will overwrite any previous mute lists.</target>
   1276         <note>Alert message prompt that asks if the user wants to create a new mute list, overwriting previous mute lists.</note>
   1277       </trans-unit>
   1278       <trans-unit id="No one will see that you zapped" xml:space="preserve">
   1279         <source>No one will see that you zapped</source>
   1280         <target>No one will see that you zapped</target>
   1281         <note>Description of anonymous zap type where the zap is sent anonymously and does not identify the user who sent it.</note>
   1282       </trans-unit>
   1283       <trans-unit id="No results" xml:space="preserve">
   1284         <source>No results</source>
   1285         <target>No results</target>
   1286         <note>A label indicating that note search resulted in no results</note>
   1287       </trans-unit>
   1288       <trans-unit id="No zaps will be sent, only a lightning payment." xml:space="preserve">
   1289         <source>No zaps will be sent, only a lightning payment.</source>
   1290         <target>No zaps will be sent, only a lightning payment.</target>
   1291         <note>Description of non-zap type where sats are sent to the user's wallet as a regular Lightning payment, not as a zap.</note>
   1292       </trans-unit>
   1293       <trans-unit id="No, thanks" xml:space="preserve">
   1294         <source>No, thanks</source>
   1295         <target>No, thanks</target>
   1296         <note>Label for button that allows users to reject enabling Damus Purple translations</note>
   1297       </trans-unit>
   1298       <trans-unit id="NoKYCTranslate.com (Prepay with BTC)" xml:space="preserve">
   1299         <source>NoKYCTranslate.com (Prepay with BTC)</source>
   1300         <target>NoKYCTranslate.com (Prepay with BTC)</target>
   1301         <note>Dropdown option for selecting NoKYCTranslate.com as the translation service.</note>
   1302       </trans-unit>
   1303       <trans-unit id="None" xml:space="preserve">
   1304         <source>None</source>
   1305         <target>None</target>
   1306         <note>Picker option to indicate that sats should be sent to the user's wallet as a regular Lightning payment, not as a zap.</note>
   1307       </trans-unit>
   1308       <trans-unit id="Nostr Address" xml:space="preserve">
   1309         <source>Nostr Address</source>
   1310         <target>Nostr Address</target>
   1311         <note>Label for the Nostr Address section of user profile form.</note>
   1312       </trans-unit>
   1313       <trans-unit id="Nostr is a protocol, designed for simplicity, that aims to create a censorship-resistant global social network" xml:space="preserve">
   1314         <source>Nostr is a protocol, designed for simplicity, that aims to create a censorship-resistant global social network</source>
   1315         <target>Nostr is a protocol, designed for simplicity, that aims to create a censorship-resistant global social network</target>
   1316         <note>Description about what is Nostr.</note>
   1317       </trans-unit>
   1318       <trans-unit id="NostrScript" xml:space="preserve">
   1319         <source>NostrScript</source>
   1320         <target>NostrScript</target>
   1321         <note>Navigation title for the view showing NostrScript.</note>
   1322       </trans-unit>
   1323       <trans-unit id="NostrScript Error" xml:space="preserve">
   1324         <source>NostrScript Error</source>
   1325         <target>NostrScript Error</target>
   1326         <note>Text indicating that there was an error with loading NostrScript. There is a more descriptive error message shown separately underneath.</note>
   1327       </trans-unit>
   1328       <trans-unit id="Note from a %@ you've muted" xml:space="preserve">
   1329         <source>Note from a %@ you've muted</source>
   1330         <target>Note from a %@ you've muted</target>
   1331         <note>Text to indicate that what is being shown is a note which has been muted.</note>
   1332       </trans-unit>
   1333       <trans-unit id="Note you've muted" xml:space="preserve">
   1334         <source>Note you've muted</source>
   1335         <target>Note you've muted</target>
   1336         <note>Text to indicate that what is being shown is a note which has been muted.</note>
   1337       </trans-unit>
   1338       <trans-unit id="Notes" xml:space="preserve">
   1339         <source>Notes</source>
   1340         <target>Notes</target>
   1341         <note>Label for filter for seeing only notes (instead of notes and replies).
   1342 Label for filter for seeing only your notes (instead of notes and replies).
   1343 A label indicating that the notes being displayed below it are from a timeline, not search results</note>
   1344       </trans-unit>
   1345       <trans-unit id="Notes &amp; Replies" xml:space="preserve">
   1346         <source>Notes &amp; Replies</source>
   1347         <target>Notes &amp; Replies</target>
   1348         <note>Label for filter for seeing notes and replies (instead of only notes).
   1349 Label for filter for seeing your notes and replies (instead of only your notes).</note>
   1350       </trans-unit>
   1351       <trans-unit id="Notes with the #nsfw tag usually contains adult content or other &quot;Not safe for work&quot; content" xml:space="preserve">
   1352         <source>Notes with the #nsfw tag usually contains adult content or other "Not safe for work" content</source>
   1353         <target>Notes with the #nsfw tag usually contains adult content or other "Not safe for work" content</target>
   1354         <note>Section footer clarifying what #nsfw (not safe for work) tags mean</note>
   1355       </trans-unit>
   1356       <trans-unit id="Nothing to see here. Check back later!" xml:space="preserve">
   1357         <source>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</source>
   1358         <target>Nothing to see here. Check back later!</target>
   1359         <note>Indicates that there are no notes in the timeline to view.</note>
   1360       </trans-unit>
   1361       <trans-unit id="Notification Dots" xml:space="preserve">
   1362         <source>Notification Dots</source>
   1363         <target>Notification Dots</target>
   1364         <note>Section header for notification indicator dot settings</note>
   1365       </trans-unit>
   1366       <trans-unit id="Notification Preference" xml:space="preserve">
   1367         <source>Notification Preference</source>
   1368         <target>Notification Preference</target>
   1369         <note>Section header for Notification Preferences</note>
   1370       </trans-unit>
   1371       <trans-unit id="Notifications" xml:space="preserve">
   1372         <source>Notifications</source>
   1373         <target>Notifications</target>
   1374         <note>Section header for Damus notifications
   1375    Toolbar label for Notifications view.</note>
   1376       </trans-unit>
   1377       <trans-unit id="Nudity" xml:space="preserve">
   1378         <source>Nudity</source>
   1379         <target>Nudity</target>
   1380         <note>Description of report type for nudity.</note>
   1381       </trans-unit>
   1382       <trans-unit id="OK" xml:space="preserve">
   1383         <source>OK</source>
   1384         <target>OK</target>
   1385         <note>Button label indicating user wants to proceed.
   1386 Button label to dismiss an error dialog</note>
   1387       </trans-unit>
   1388       <trans-unit id="Ok" xml:space="preserve">
   1389         <source>Ok</source>
   1390         <target>Ok</target>
   1391         <note>Button to dismiss the alert.</note>
   1392       </trans-unit>
   1393       <trans-unit id="Online" xml:space="preserve">
   1394         <source>Online</source>
   1395         <target>Online</target>
   1396         <note>Relay status label that indicates a relay is connected.</note>
   1397       </trans-unit>
   1398       <trans-unit id="Only you can see this message and who sent it." xml:space="preserve">
   1399         <source>Only you can see this message and who sent it.</source>
   1400         <target>Only you can see this message and who sent it.</target>
   1401         <note>Help text on green lock icon that explains that only the current user can see the message of a zap event and who sent the zap.</note>
   1402       </trans-unit>
   1403       <trans-unit id="OnlyZaps" xml:space="preserve">
   1404         <source>OnlyZaps</source>
   1405         <target>OnlyZaps</target>
   1406         <note>Section header for enabling OnlyZaps mode (hide reactions)</note>
   1407       </trans-unit>
   1408       <trans-unit id="OnlyZaps Enabled" xml:space="preserve">
   1409         <source>OnlyZaps Enabled</source>
   1410         <target>OnlyZaps Enabled</target>
   1411         <note>Non-tappable text in context menu that shows up when the zap button on profile is long pressed to indicate that the user has enabled OnlyZaps, meaning that they would like to be only zapped and not accept reactions to their notes.</note>
   1412       </trans-unit>
   1413       <trans-unit id="OnlyZaps mode" xml:space="preserve">
   1414         <source>OnlyZaps mode</source>
   1415         <target>OnlyZaps mode</target>
   1416         <note>Setting toggle to hide reactions.</note>
   1417       </trans-unit>
   1418       <trans-unit id="Open in browser" xml:space="preserve">
   1419         <source>Open in browser</source>
   1420         <target>Open in browser</target>
   1421         <note>Button to open the value found in browser.</note>
   1422       </trans-unit>
   1423       <trans-unit id="Open in wallet" xml:space="preserve">
   1424         <source>Open in wallet</source>
   1425         <target>Open in wallet</target>
   1426         <note>Button to open the value found in browser.</note>
   1427       </trans-unit>
   1428       <trans-unit id="Optional" xml:space="preserve">
   1429         <source>Optional</source>
   1430         <target>Optional</target>
   1431         <note>Prompt to enter optional additional information when reporting an account or content.</note>
   1432       </trans-unit>
   1433       <trans-unit id="Paid Relay" xml:space="preserve">
   1434         <source>Paid Relay</source>
   1435         <target>Paid Relay</target>
   1436         <note>Text indicating that this is a paid relay.</note>
   1437       </trans-unit>
   1438       <trans-unit id="Paste NWC Address" xml:space="preserve">
   1439         <source>Paste NWC Address</source>
   1440         <target>Paste NWC Address</target>
   1441         <note>Text for button to connect a lightning wallet.</note>
   1442       </trans-unit>
   1443       <trans-unit id="Pay" xml:space="preserve">
   1444         <source>Pay</source>
   1445         <target>Pay</target>
   1446         <note>Button to pay a Lightning invoice.</note>
   1447       </trans-unit>
   1448       <trans-unit id="Pay the Lightning invoice" xml:space="preserve">
   1449         <source>Pay the Lightning invoice</source>
   1450         <target>Pay the Lightning invoice</target>
   1451         <note>Navigation bar title for view to pay Lightning invoice.</note>
   1452       </trans-unit>
   1453       <trans-unit id="Pending" xml:space="preserve">
   1454         <source>Pending</source>
   1455         <target>Pending</target>
   1456         <note>Label to display that authentication to a server is pending.</note>
   1457       </trans-unit>
   1458       <trans-unit id="People" xml:space="preserve">
   1459         <source>People</source>
   1460         <target>People</target>
   1461         <note>Label for filter for seeing only people follows.</note>
   1462       </trans-unit>
   1463       <trans-unit id="Permanently Delete Account" xml:space="preserve">
   1464         <source>Permanently Delete Account</source>
   1465         <target>Permanently Delete Account</target>
   1466         <note>Alert for deleting the users account.</note>
   1467       </trans-unit>
   1468       <trans-unit id="Plan" xml:space="preserve">
   1469         <source>Plan</source>
   1470         <target>Plan</target>
   1471         <note>Prompt selection of DeepL subscription plan to perform machine translations on notes</note>
   1472       </trans-unit>
   1473       <trans-unit id="Please choose relays from the list below to filter the current feed:" xml:space="preserve">
   1474         <source>Please choose relays from the list below to filter the current feed:</source>
   1475         <target>Please choose relays from the list below to filter the current feed:</target>
   1476         <note>Instructions on how to filter a specific timeline feed by choosing relay servers to filter on.</note>
   1477       </trans-unit>
   1478       <trans-unit id="Post" xml:space="preserve">
   1479         <source>Post</source>
   1480         <target>Post</target>
   1481         <note>Button to post a note.</note>
   1482       </trans-unit>
   1483       <trans-unit id="Private" xml:space="preserve">
   1484         <source>Private</source>
   1485         <target>Private</target>
   1486         <note>Picker option to indicate that a zap should be sent privately and not identify the user to the public.</note>
   1487       </trans-unit>
   1488       <trans-unit id="Private Key" xml:space="preserve">
   1489         <source>Private Key</source>
   1490         <target>Private Key</target>
   1491         <note>Title of the secure field that holds the user's private key.</note>
   1492       </trans-unit>
   1493       <trans-unit id="Private Zap" xml:space="preserve">
   1494         <source>Private Zap</source>
   1495         <target>Private Zap</target>
   1496         <note>Title of notification when a private zap is received.</note>
   1497       </trans-unit>
   1498       <trans-unit id="Pro" xml:space="preserve">
   1499         <source>Pro</source>
   1500         <target>Pro</target>
   1501         <note>Dropdown option for selecting Pro plan for DeepL translation service.</note>
   1502       </trans-unit>
   1503       <trans-unit id="Production" xml:space="preserve">
   1504         <source>Production</source>
   1505         <target>Production</target>
   1506         <note>Label indicating the production environment for Damus Purple</note>
   1507       </trans-unit>
   1508       <trans-unit id="Profanity" xml:space="preserve">
   1509         <source>Profanity</source>
   1510         <target>Profanity</target>
   1511         <note>Description of report type for profanity.</note>
   1512       </trans-unit>
   1513       <trans-unit id="Profile" xml:space="preserve">
   1514         <source>Profile</source>
   1515         <target>Profile</target>
   1516         <note>Sidebar menu label for Profile view.</note>
   1517       </trans-unit>
   1518       <trans-unit id="Profile Picture" xml:space="preserve">
   1519         <source>Profile Picture</source>
   1520         <target>Profile Picture</target>
   1521         <note>Label for Profile Picture section of user profile form.</note>
   1522       </trans-unit>
   1523       <trans-unit id="Profile action sheets allow you to follow, zap, or DM profiles more quickly without having to view their full profile" xml:space="preserve">
   1524         <source>Profile action sheets allow you to follow, zap, or DM profiles more quickly without having to view their full profile</source>
   1525         <target>Profile action sheets allow you to follow, zap, or DM profiles more quickly without having to view their full profile</target>
   1526         <note>Section footer clarifying what the profile action sheet feature does</note>
   1527       </trans-unit>
   1528       <trans-unit id="Profiles" xml:space="preserve">
   1529         <source>Profiles</source>
   1530         <target>Profiles</target>
   1531         <note>Section title for profile view configuration.</note>
   1532       </trans-unit>
   1533       <trans-unit id="Public" xml:space="preserve">
   1534         <source>Public</source>
   1535         <target>Public</target>
   1536         <note>Picker option to indicate that a zap should be sent publicly and identify the user as who sent it.</note>
   1537       </trans-unit>
   1538       <trans-unit id="Public Account ID" xml:space="preserve">
   1539         <source>Public Account ID</source>
   1540         <target>Public Account ID</target>
   1541         <note>Section title for the user's public account ID.</note>
   1542       </trans-unit>
   1543       <trans-unit id="Public Key" xml:space="preserve">
   1544         <source>Public Key</source>
   1545         <target>Public Key</target>
   1546         <note>Label to indicate the public key of the account.</note>
   1547       </trans-unit>
   1548       <trans-unit id="Public key" xml:space="preserve">
   1549         <source>Public key</source>
   1550         <target>Public key</target>
   1551         <note>Label indicating that the text is a user's public account key.</note>
   1552       </trans-unit>
   1553       <trans-unit id="Purchased on" xml:space="preserve">
   1554         <source>Purchased on</source>
   1555         <target>Purchased on</target>
   1556         <note>Indicating when the user purchased the subscription</note>
   1557       </trans-unit>
   1558       <trans-unit id="Purchased!" xml:space="preserve">
   1559         <source>Purchased!</source>
   1560         <target>Purchased!</target>
   1561         <note>User purchased a subscription</note>
   1562       </trans-unit>
   1563       <trans-unit id="Purchasing" xml:space="preserve">
   1564         <source>Purchasing</source>
   1565         <target>Purchasing</target>
   1566         <note>Loading label indicating the purchase action is in progress</note>
   1567       </trans-unit>
   1568       <trans-unit id="Purple" xml:space="preserve">
   1569         <source>Purple</source>
   1570         <target>Purple</target>
   1571         <note>Subscription service name</note>
   1572       </trans-unit>
   1573       <trans-unit id="QR Code" xml:space="preserve">
   1574         <source>QR Code</source>
   1575         <target>QR Code</target>
   1576         <note>Button to view profile's qr code.</note>
   1577       </trans-unit>
   1578       <trans-unit id="Quote" xml:space="preserve">
   1579         <source>Quote</source>
   1580         <target>Quote</target>
   1581         <note>Button to compose a quoted note</note>
   1582       </trans-unit>
   1583       <trans-unit id="Quotes" xml:space="preserve">
   1584         <source>Quotes</source>
   1585         <target>Quotes</target>
   1586         <note>Navigation bar title for Quote Reposts view.</note>
   1587       </trans-unit>
   1588       <trans-unit id="Ran to suspension." xml:space="preserve">
   1589         <source>Ran to suspension.</source>
   1590         <target>Ran to suspension.</target>
   1591         <note>Indication that a NostrScript was run until it reached a suspended state.</note>
   1592       </trans-unit>
   1593       <trans-unit id="Reactions" xml:space="preserve">
   1594         <source>Reactions</source>
   1595         <target>Reactions</target>
   1596         <note>Navigation bar title for Reactions view.
   1597    Section header for reactions settings
   1598    Title of emoji reactions view</note>
   1599       </trans-unit>
   1600       <trans-unit id="Relay Logs" xml:space="preserve">
   1601         <source>Relay Logs</source>
   1602         <target>Relay Logs</target>
   1603         <note>Text label indicating that the text below it are developer mode logs.</note>
   1604       </trans-unit>
   1605       <trans-unit id="Relays" xml:space="preserve">
   1606         <source>Relays</source>
   1607         <target>Relays</target>
   1608         <note>Navigation bar title that shows the list of relays for a user.
   1609    Sidebar menu label for Relays view.
   1610    Title of relays view</note>
   1611       </trans-unit>
   1612       <trans-unit id="Relays have been notified and clients will be able to use this information to filter content. Thank you!" xml:space="preserve">
   1613         <source>Relays have been notified and clients will be able to use this information to filter content. Thank you!</source>
   1614         <target>Relays have been notified and clients will be able to use this information to filter content. Thank you!</target>
   1615         <note>Description of what was done as a result of sending a report to relay servers.</note>
   1616       </trans-unit>
   1617       <trans-unit id="Remove Bookmark" xml:space="preserve">
   1618         <source>Remove Bookmark</source>
   1619         <target>Remove Bookmark</target>
   1620         <note>Button text to remove bookmark from a note.</note>
   1621       </trans-unit>
   1622       <trans-unit id="Remove all" xml:space="preserve">
   1623         <source>Remove all</source>
   1624         <target>Remove all</target>
   1625         <note>Button label to remove all participants from a note reply.</note>
   1626       </trans-unit>
   1627       <trans-unit id="Remove bookmark" xml:space="preserve">
   1628         <source>Remove bookmark</source>
   1629         <target>Remove bookmark</target>
   1630         <note>Context menu option for removing a note bookmark.</note>
   1631       </trans-unit>
   1632       <trans-unit id="Renew (1 mo)" xml:space="preserve">
   1633         <source>Renew (1 mo)</source>
   1634         <target>Renew (1 mo)</target>
   1635         <note>Button to take user to renew subscription for one month</note>
   1636       </trans-unit>
   1637       <trans-unit id="Renew (1 yr)" xml:space="preserve">
   1638         <source>Renew (1 yr)</source>
   1639         <target>Renew (1 yr)</target>
   1640         <note>Button to take user to renew subscription for one year</note>
   1641       </trans-unit>
   1642       <trans-unit id="Renews on" xml:space="preserve">
   1643         <source>Renews on</source>
   1644         <target>Renews on</target>
   1645         <note>Indicating when the subscription will renew</note>
   1646       </trans-unit>
   1647       <trans-unit id="Reply" xml:space="preserve">
   1648         <source>Reply</source>
   1649         <target>Reply</target>
   1650         <note>Accessibility label for reply button</note>
   1651       </trans-unit>
   1652       <trans-unit id="Replying to" xml:space="preserve">
   1653         <source>Replying to</source>
   1654         <target>Replying to</target>
   1655         <note>Text indicating that the view is used for editing which participants are replied to in a note.</note>
   1656       </trans-unit>
   1657       <trans-unit id="Replying to %@" xml:space="preserve">
   1658         <source>Replying to %@</source>
   1659         <target>Replying to %@</target>
   1660         <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 1 user.</note>
   1661       </trans-unit>
   1662       <trans-unit id="Replying to %@ &amp; %@" xml:space="preserve">
   1663         <source>Replying to %1$@ &amp; %2$@</source>
   1664         <target>Replying to %1$@ &amp; %2$@</target>
   1665         <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to 2 users.</note>
   1666       </trans-unit>
   1667       <trans-unit id="Replying to self" xml:space="preserve">
   1668         <source>Replying to self</source>
   1669         <target>Replying to self</target>
   1670         <note>Label to indicate that the user is replying to themself.</note>
   1671       </trans-unit>
   1672       <trans-unit id="Report" xml:space="preserve">
   1673         <source>Report</source>
   1674         <target>Report</target>
   1675         <note>Button to report a profile.
   1676    Context menu option for reporting content.</note>
   1677       </trans-unit>
   1678       <trans-unit id="Report ID:" xml:space="preserve">
   1679         <source>Report ID:</source>
   1680         <target>Report ID:</target>
   1681         <note>Label indicating that the text underneath is the identifier of the report that was sent to relay servers.</note>
   1682       </trans-unit>
   1683       <trans-unit id="Report Note" xml:space="preserve">
   1684         <source>Report Note</source>
   1685         <target>Report Note</target>
   1686         <note>Button to report a note.</note>
   1687       </trans-unit>
   1688       <trans-unit id="Report User" xml:space="preserve">
   1689         <source>Report User</source>
   1690         <target>Report User</target>
   1691         <note>Button to report a user.</note>
   1692       </trans-unit>
   1693       <trans-unit id="Report sent!" xml:space="preserve">
   1694         <source>Report sent!</source>
   1695         <target>Report sent!</target>
   1696         <note>Message indicating that a report was successfully sent to relay servers.</note>
   1697       </trans-unit>
   1698       <trans-unit id="Repost" xml:space="preserve">
   1699         <source>Repost</source>
   1700         <target>Repost</target>
   1701         <note>Button to repost a note</note>
   1702       </trans-unit>
   1703       <trans-unit id="Reposted" xml:space="preserve">
   1704         <source>Reposted</source>
   1705         <target>Reposted</target>
   1706         <note>Text indicating that the note was reposted (i.e. re-shared).</note>
   1707       </trans-unit>
   1708       <trans-unit id="Reposted by %@" xml:space="preserve">
   1709         <source>Reposted by %@</source>
   1710         <target>Reposted by %@</target>
   1711         <note>Reposted by heading in local notification</note>
   1712       </trans-unit>
   1713       <trans-unit id="Reposts" xml:space="preserve">
   1714         <source>Reposts</source>
   1715         <target>Reposts</target>
   1716         <note>Accessibility label for boosts button
   1717    Navigation bar title for Reposts view.
   1718    Setting to enable Repost Local Notification</note>
   1719       </trans-unit>
   1720       <trans-unit id="Requests" xml:space="preserve">
   1721         <source>Requests</source>
   1722         <target>Requests</target>
   1723         <note>Picker option for DM selector for seeing only message requests (DMs that someone else sent the user which has not been responded to yet). DM is the English abbreviation for Direct Message.</note>
   1724       </trans-unit>
   1725       <trans-unit id="Retry" xml:space="preserve">
   1726         <source>Retry</source>
   1727         <target>Retry</target>
   1728         <note>Button to retry completing account creation after an error occurred.</note>
   1729       </trans-unit>
   1730       <trans-unit id="Run" xml:space="preserve">
   1731         <source>Run</source>
   1732         <target>Run</target>
   1733         <note>Button that runs a NostrScript.</note>
   1734       </trans-unit>
   1735       <trans-unit id="Running..." xml:space="preserve">
   1736         <source>Running...</source>
   1737         <target>Running...</target>
   1738         <note>Indication that the execution of a NostrScript is running.</note>
   1739       </trans-unit>
   1740       <trans-unit id="Runtime error" xml:space="preserve">
   1741         <source>Runtime error</source>
   1742         <target>Runtime error</target>
   1743         <note>Indication that a runtime error occurred when running a NostrScript.</note>
   1744       </trans-unit>
   1745       <trans-unit id="SOFTWARE" xml:space="preserve">
   1746         <source>SOFTWARE</source>
   1747         <target>SOFTWARE</target>
   1748         <note>Text label indicating which relay software is used to run this Nostr relay.</note>
   1749       </trans-unit>
   1750       <trans-unit id="Satoshi Nakamoto" xml:space="preserve">
   1751         <source>Satoshi Nakamoto</source>
   1752         <target>Satoshi Nakamoto</target>
   1753         <note>Name of Bitcoin creator(s).</note>
   1754       </trans-unit>
   1755       <trans-unit id="Save" xml:space="preserve">
   1756         <source>Save</source>
   1757         <target>Save</target>
   1758         <note>Button for saving profile.</note>
   1759       </trans-unit>
   1760       <trans-unit id="Save 14%" xml:space="preserve">
   1761         <source>Save 14%</source>
   1762         <target>Save 14%</target>
   1763         <note>Percentage of purchase price the user will save</note>
   1764       </trans-unit>
   1765       <trans-unit id="Save 20% off on an annual subscription" xml:space="preserve">
   1766         <source>Save 20% off on an annual subscription</source>
   1767         <target>Save 20% off on an annual subscription</target>
   1768         <note>Savings for purchasing an annual subscription</note>
   1769       </trans-unit>
   1770       <trans-unit id="Save Image" xml:space="preserve">
   1771         <source>Save Image</source>
   1772         <target>Save Image</target>
   1773         <note>Context menu option to save an image.</note>
   1774       </trans-unit>
   1775       <trans-unit id="Save Key in Secure Keychain" xml:space="preserve">
   1776         <source>Save Key in Secure Keychain</source>
   1777         <target>Save Key in Secure Keychain</target>
   1778         <note>Toggle to save private key to the Apple secure keychain.</note>
   1779       </trans-unit>
   1780       <trans-unit id="Scan Code" xml:space="preserve">
   1781         <source>Scan Code</source>
   1782         <target>Scan Code</target>
   1783         <note>Button to switch to scan QR Code page.</note>
   1784       </trans-unit>
   1785       <trans-unit id="Scan NWC Address" xml:space="preserve">
   1786         <source>Scan NWC Address</source>
   1787         <target>Scan NWC Address</target>
   1788         <note>Text for button to connect a lightning wallet.</note>
   1789       </trans-unit>
   1790       <trans-unit id="Scan Your Private Key QR" xml:space="preserve">
   1791         <source>Scan Your Private Key QR</source>
   1792         <target>Scan Your Private Key QR</target>
   1793         <note>Text to prompt scanning a QR code of a user's privkey to login to their profile.</note>
   1794       </trans-unit>
   1795       <trans-unit id="Scan a user's pubkey" xml:space="preserve">
   1796         <source>Scan a user's pubkey</source>
   1797         <target>Scan a user's pubkey</target>
   1798         <note>Text to prompt scanning a QR code of a user's pubkey to open their profile.</note>
   1799       </trans-unit>
   1800       <trans-unit id="Scan for QR Code" xml:space="preserve">
   1801         <source>Scan for QR Code</source>
   1802         <target>Scan for QR Code</target>
   1803         <note>Context menu option to scan image for a QR Code.</note>
   1804       </trans-unit>
   1805       <trans-unit id="Scan the code" xml:space="preserve">
   1806         <source>Scan the code</source>
   1807         <target>Scan the code</target>
   1808         <note>Text on QR code view to prompt viewer to scan the QR code on screen with their device camera.</note>
   1809       </trans-unit>
   1810       <trans-unit id="Search" xml:space="preserve">
   1811         <source>Search</source>
   1812         <target>Search</target>
   1813         <note>Default title for the search screen when it is in an unknown state.
   1814    Title of the text field for searching.</note>
   1815       </trans-unit>
   1816       <trans-unit id="Search hashtag: #%@" xml:space="preserve">
   1817         <source>Search hashtag: #%@</source>
   1818         <target>Search hashtag: #%@</target>
   1819         <note>Navigation link to search hashtag.</note>
   1820       </trans-unit>
   1821       <trans-unit id="Search..." xml:space="preserve">
   1822         <source>Search...</source>
   1823         <target>Search...</target>
   1824         <note>Placeholder text to prompt entry of search query.</note>
   1825       </trans-unit>
   1826       <trans-unit id="Search/Universe" xml:space="preserve">
   1827         <source>Search/Universe</source>
   1828         <target>Search/Universe</target>
   1829         <note>Navigation title for universe/search settings.
   1830    Section header for search/universe settings</note>
   1831       </trans-unit>
   1832       <trans-unit id="Secret Account Login Key" xml:space="preserve">
   1833         <source>Secret Account Login Key</source>
   1834         <target>Secret Account Login Key</target>
   1835         <note>Section title for user's secret account login key.</note>
   1836       </trans-unit>
   1837       <trans-unit id="Securely connect your Damus app to your wallet using Nostr Wallet Connect" xml:space="preserve">
   1838         <source>Securely connect your Damus app to your wallet using Nostr Wallet Connect</source>
   1839         <target>Securely connect your Damus app to your wallet using Nostr Wallet Connect</target>
   1840         <note>Text to prompt user to connect their wallet using 'Nostr Wallet Connect'.</note>
   1841       </trans-unit>
   1842       <trans-unit id="Select a Lightning wallet" xml:space="preserve">
   1843         <source>Select a Lightning wallet</source>
   1844         <target>Select a Lightning wallet</target>
   1845         <note>Title of section for selecting a Lightning wallet to pay a Lightning invoice.</note>
   1846       </trans-unit>
   1847       <trans-unit id="Select default emoji" xml:space="preserve">
   1848         <source>Select default emoji</source>
   1849         <target>Select default emoji</target>
   1850         <note>Prompt selection of user's default emoji reaction</note>
   1851       </trans-unit>
   1852       <trans-unit id="Select default wallet" xml:space="preserve">
   1853         <source>Select default wallet</source>
   1854         <target>Select default wallet</target>
   1855         <note>Prompt selection of user's default wallet</note>
   1856       </trans-unit>
   1857       <trans-unit id="Send a message to start the conversation..." xml:space="preserve">
   1858         <source>Send a message to start the conversation...</source>
   1859         <target>Send a message to start the conversation...</target>
   1860         <note>Text prompt for user to send a message to the other user.</note>
   1861       </trans-unit>
   1862       <trans-unit id="Send a message with your zap..." xml:space="preserve">
   1863         <source>Send a message with your zap...</source>
   1864         <target>Send a message with your zap...</target>
   1865         <note>Placeholder text for a comment to send as part of a zap to the user.</note>
   1866       </trans-unit>
   1867       <trans-unit id="Send device token to localhost" xml:space="preserve">
   1868         <source>Send device token to localhost</source>
   1869         <target>Send device token to localhost</target>
   1870         <note>Developer mode setting to send device token metadata to a local server instead of the damus.io server.</note>
   1871       </trans-unit>
   1872       <trans-unit id="Server" xml:space="preserve">
   1873         <source>Server</source>
   1874         <target>Server</target>
   1875         <note>Prompt selection of LibreTranslate server to perform machine translations on notes</note>
   1876       </trans-unit>
   1877       <trans-unit id="Service" xml:space="preserve">
   1878         <source>Service</source>
   1879         <target>Service</target>
   1880         <note>Prompt selection of translation service provider.</note>
   1881       </trans-unit>
   1882       <trans-unit id="Set Status" xml:space="preserve">
   1883         <source>Set Status</source>
   1884         <target>Set Status</target>
   1885         <note>Sidebar menu label to set user status</note>
   1886       </trans-unit>
   1887       <trans-unit id="Settings" xml:space="preserve">
   1888         <source>Settings</source>
   1889         <target>Settings</target>
   1890         <note>Navigation title for Settings view.
   1891    Sidebar menu label for accessing the app settings</note>
   1892       </trans-unit>
   1893       <trans-unit id="Share" xml:space="preserve">
   1894         <source>Share</source>
   1895         <target>Share</target>
   1896         <note>Button to share a note
   1897    Button to share an image.
   1898    Button to share the link to a profile.</note>
   1899       </trans-unit>
   1900       <trans-unit id="Share Note" xml:space="preserve">
   1901         <source>Share Note</source>
   1902         <target>Share Note</target>
   1903         <note>Title text to indicate that the buttons below are meant to be used to share a note with others.</note>
   1904       </trans-unit>
   1905       <trans-unit id="Share Via..." xml:space="preserve">
   1906         <source>Share Via...</source>
   1907         <target>Share Via...</target>
   1908         <note>Button to present iOS share sheet</note>
   1909       </trans-unit>
   1910       <trans-unit id="Show" xml:space="preserve">
   1911         <source>Show</source>
   1912         <target>Show</target>
   1913         <note>Button to show a note which has been muted.
   1914    Toggle to show or hide user's secret account login key.</note>
   1915       </trans-unit>
   1916       <trans-unit id="Show general statuses" xml:space="preserve">
   1917         <source>Show general statuses</source>
   1918         <target>Show general statuses</target>
   1919         <note>Settings toggle for enabling general user statuses</note>
   1920       </trans-unit>
   1921       <trans-unit id="Show less" xml:space="preserve">
   1922         <source>Show less</source>
   1923         <target>Show less</target>
   1924         <note>Button to show less of a long profile description.</note>
   1925       </trans-unit>
   1926       <trans-unit id="Show more" xml:space="preserve">
   1927         <source>Show more</source>
   1928         <target>Show more</target>
   1929         <note>Button to show entire note.
   1930    Button to show more of a long profile description.</note>
   1931       </trans-unit>
   1932       <trans-unit id="Show music statuses" xml:space="preserve">
   1933         <source>Show music statuses</source>
   1934         <target>Show music statuses</target>
   1935         <note>Settings toggle for enabling now playing music statuses</note>
   1936       </trans-unit>
   1937       <trans-unit id="Show only from users you follow" xml:space="preserve">
   1938         <source>Show only from users you follow</source>
   1939         <target>Show only from users you follow</target>
   1940         <note>Setting to Show notifications only associated to users your follow</note>
   1941       </trans-unit>
   1942       <trans-unit id="Show only preferred languages on Universe feed" xml:space="preserve">
   1943         <source>Show only preferred languages on Universe feed</source>
   1944         <target>Show only preferred languages on Universe feed</target>
   1945         <note>Toggle to show notes that are only in the device's preferred languages on the Universe feed and hide notes that are in other languages.</note>
   1946       </trans-unit>
   1947       <trans-unit id="Show profile action sheets" xml:space="preserve">
   1948         <source>Show profile action sheets</source>
   1949         <target>Show profile action sheets</target>
   1950         <note>Setting to show profile action sheets when clicking on a user's profile picture</note>
   1951       </trans-unit>
   1952       <trans-unit id="Show wallet selector" xml:space="preserve">
   1953         <source>Show wallet selector</source>
   1954         <target>Show wallet selector</target>
   1955         <note>Toggle to show or hide selection of wallet.</note>
   1956       </trans-unit>
   1957       <trans-unit id="Sign Out" xml:space="preserve">
   1958         <source>Sign Out</source>
   1959         <target>Sign Out</target>
   1960         <note>Section title for signing out</note>
   1961       </trans-unit>
   1962       <trans-unit id="Sign in" xml:space="preserve">
   1963         <source>Sign in</source>
   1964         <target>Sign in</target>
   1965         <note>Title of view to log into an account.</note>
   1966       </trans-unit>
   1967       <trans-unit id="Sign out" xml:space="preserve">
   1968         <source>Sign out</source>
   1969         <target>Sign out</target>
   1970         <note>Sidebar menu label to sign out of the account.</note>
   1971       </trans-unit>
   1972       <trans-unit id="Skip" xml:space="preserve">
   1973         <source>Skip</source>
   1974         <target>Skip</target>
   1975         <note>Button to dismiss the suggested users screen</note>
   1976       </trans-unit>
   1977       <trans-unit id="Social media has developed into a key way information flows around the world. Unfortunately, our current social media systems are broken" xml:space="preserve">
   1978         <source>Social media has developed into a key way information flows around the world. Unfortunately, our current social media systems are broken</source>
   1979         <target>Social media has developed into a key way information flows around the world. Unfortunately, our current social media systems are broken</target>
   1980         <note>Description about why Nostr is needed.</note>
   1981       </trans-unit>
   1982       <trans-unit id="Someone posted a note" xml:space="preserve">
   1983         <source>Someone posted a note</source>
   1984         <target>Someone posted a note</target>
   1985         <note>Title label for push notification where someone posted a note</note>
   1986       </trans-unit>
   1987       <trans-unit id="Someone reacted to your note" xml:space="preserve">
   1988         <source>Someone reacted to your note</source>
   1989         <target>Someone reacted to your note</target>
   1990         <note>Generic title label for push notifications where someone reacted to the user's post</note>
   1991       </trans-unit>
   1992       <trans-unit id="Someone reacted to your note with %@" xml:space="preserve">
   1993         <source>Someone reacted to your note with %@</source>
   1994         <target>Someone reacted to your note with %@</target>
   1995         <note>Body label for push notifications where someone reacted to the user's post with a specific emoji</note>
   1996       </trans-unit>
   1997       <trans-unit id="Someone zapped you ⚡️" xml:space="preserve">
   1998         <source>Someone zapped you ⚡️</source>
   1999         <target>Someone zapped you ⚡️</target>
   2000         <note>Title label for a push notification where someone zapped the user</note>
   2001       </trans-unit>
   2002       <trans-unit id="Spam" xml:space="preserve">
   2003         <source>Spam</source>
   2004         <target>Spam</target>
   2005         <note>Description of report type for spam.</note>
   2006       </trans-unit>
   2007       <trans-unit id="Staging" xml:space="preserve">
   2008         <source>Staging</source>
   2009         <target>Staging</target>
   2010         <note>Label indicating a staging test environment for Damus Purple functionality (Developer feature)</note>
   2011       </trans-unit>
   2012       <trans-unit id="Staying humble..." xml:space="preserve">
   2013         <source>Staying humble...</source>
   2014         <target>Staying humble...</target>
   2015         <note>Placeholder as an example of what the user could set as their profile status.</note>
   2016       </trans-unit>
   2017       <trans-unit id="Subscriber number" xml:space="preserve">
   2018         <source>Subscriber number</source>
   2019         <target>Subscriber number</target>
   2020         <note>Label for Purple account subscriber number</note>
   2021       </trans-unit>
   2022       <trans-unit id="Subscription Error" xml:space="preserve">
   2023         <source>Subscription Error</source>
   2024         <target>Subscription Error</target>
   2025         <note>Ah dang there was an error loading subscription information from the AppStore. Please try again later :(</note>
   2026       </trans-unit>
   2027       <trans-unit id="Suggested hashtags" xml:space="preserve">
   2028         <source>Suggested hashtags</source>
   2029         <target>Suggested hashtags</target>
   2030         <note>A label indicating that the items below it are suggested hashtags</note>
   2031       </trans-unit>
   2032       <trans-unit id="Support Damus" xml:space="preserve">
   2033         <source>Support Damus</source>
   2034         <target>Support Damus</target>
   2035         <note>Text calling for the user to support Damus through zaps</note>
   2036       </trans-unit>
   2037       <trans-unit id="Support Damus development to help build the future of decentralized communication on the web." xml:space="preserve">
   2038         <source>Support Damus development to help build the future of decentralized communication on the web.</source>
   2039         <target>Support Damus development to help build the future of decentralized communication on the web.</target>
   2040         <note>Reason for supporting damus development</note>
   2041       </trans-unit>
   2042       <trans-unit id="Supported NIPs" xml:space="preserve">
   2043         <source>Supported NIPs</source>
   2044         <target>Supported NIPs</target>
   2045         <note>Label to display relay's supported NIPs.</note>
   2046       </trans-unit>
   2047       <trans-unit id="Supporter Badge" xml:space="preserve">
   2048         <source>Supporter Badge</source>
   2049         <target>Supporter Badge</target>
   2050         <note>Title for supporter badge</note>
   2051       </trans-unit>
   2052       <trans-unit id="Take Photo" xml:space="preserve">
   2053         <source>Take Photo</source>
   2054         <target>Take Photo</target>
   2055         <note>Option to take a photo with the camera</note>
   2056       </trans-unit>
   2057       <trans-unit id="Test (local)" xml:space="preserve">
   2058         <source>Test (local)</source>
   2059         <target>Test (local)</target>
   2060         <note>Label indicating a local test environment for Damus Purple functionality (Developer feature)</note>
   2061       </trans-unit>
   2062       <trans-unit id="Text Truncation" xml:space="preserve">
   2063         <source>Text Truncation</source>
   2064         <target>Text Truncation</target>
   2065         <note>Section header for damus text truncation user configuration</note>
   2066       </trans-unit>
   2067       <trans-unit id="Thank you very much for signing up for Damus Purple. Your contribution helps us continue our fight for a more Open and Free internet.&#10;&#10;You will also get access to premium features, and a star badge on your profile.&#10;&#10;Enjoy!" xml:space="preserve">
   2068         <source>Thank you very much for signing up for Damus Purple. Your contribution helps us continue our fight for a more Open and Free internet.
   2070 You will also get access to premium features, and a star badge on your profile.
   2072 Enjoy!</source>
   2073         <target>Thank you very much for signing up for Damus Purple. Your contribution helps us continue our fight for a more Open and Free internet.
   2075 You will also get access to premium features, and a star badge on your profile.
   2077 Enjoy!</target>
   2078         <note>Appreciation to user for purchasing subscription service</note>
   2079       </trans-unit>
   2080       <trans-unit id="Thanks!" xml:space="preserve">
   2081         <source>Thanks!</source>
   2082         <target>Thanks!</target>
   2083         <note>Button to close out of alert that informs that the action to muted a user was successful.</note>
   2084       </trans-unit>
   2085       <trans-unit id="The address should either begin with LNURL or should look like an email address." xml:space="preserve">
   2086         <source>The address should either begin with LNURL or should look like an email address.</source>
   2087         <target>The address should either begin with LNURL or should look like an email address.</target>
   2088         <note>Giving the description of the alert message.</note>
   2089       </trans-unit>
   2090       <trans-unit id="The go-to iOS Nostr client" xml:space="preserve">
   2091         <source>The go-to iOS Nostr client</source>
   2092         <target>The go-to iOS Nostr client</target>
   2093         <note>Quick description of what Damus is</note>
   2094       </trans-unit>
   2095       <trans-unit id="The relay you are trying to add is already added.&#10;You're all set!" xml:space="preserve">
   2096         <source>The relay you are trying to add is already added.
   2097 You're all set!</source>
   2098         <target>The relay you are trying to add is already added.
   2099 You're all set!</target>
   2100         <note>An error message that appears when the user attempts to add a relay that has already been added.</note>
   2101       </trans-unit>
   2102       <trans-unit id="There has been an unexpected error with the in-app purchase. Please try again later or contact support@damus.io. Error: %@" xml:space="preserve">
   2103         <source>There has been an unexpected error with the in-app purchase. Please try again later or contact support@damus.io. Error: %@</source>
   2104         <target>There has been an unexpected error with the in-app purchase. Please try again later or contact support@damus.io. Error: %@</target>
   2105         <note>In-app purchase error message for the user</note>
   2106       </trans-unit>
   2107       <trans-unit id="There was an error loading your account. Please try again later. If problem persists, please contact us at support@damus.io" xml:space="preserve">
   2108         <source>There was an error loading your account. Please try again later. If problem persists, please contact us at support@damus.io</source>
   2109         <target>There was an error loading your account. Please try again later. If problem persists, please contact us at support@damus.io</target>
   2110         <note>Error label when Purple account information fails to load</note>
   2111       </trans-unit>
   2112       <trans-unit id="This device's in-app purchase is registered to a different Nostr account. Unable to manage this Purple account. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact us via support@damus.io." xml:space="preserve">
   2113         <source>This device's in-app purchase is registered to a different Nostr account. Unable to manage this Purple account. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact us via support@damus.io.</source>
   2114         <target>This device's in-app purchase is registered to a different Nostr account. Unable to manage this Purple account. If you believe this was a mistake, please contact us via support@damus.io.</target>
   2115         <note>Notice label that user cannot manage their In-App purchases</note>
   2116       </trans-unit>
   2117       <trans-unit id="This is a public key, you will not be able to make notes or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective." xml:space="preserve">
   2118         <source>This is a public key, you will not be able to make notes or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</source>
   2119         <target>This is a public key, you will not be able to make notes or interact in any way. This is used for viewing accounts from their perspective.</target>
   2120         <note>Warning that the inputted account key is a public key and the result of what happens because of it.</note>
   2121       </trans-unit>
   2122       <trans-unit id="This is my first post on Nostr 💜. I love drawing and folding Origami!&#10;&#10;Nice to meet you all! #introductions #plebchain " xml:space="preserve">
   2123         <source>This is my first post on Nostr 💜. I love drawing and folding Origami!
   2125 Nice to meet you all! #introductions #plebchain </source>
   2126         <target>This is my first post on Nostr 💜. I love drawing and folding Origami!
   2128 Nice to meet you all! #introductions #plebchain </target>
   2129         <note>First post example given to the user during onboarding, as a suggestion as to what they could post first</note>
   2130       </trans-unit>
   2131       <trans-unit id="This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!" xml:space="preserve">
   2132         <source>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</source>
   2133         <target>This is your secret account key. You need this to access your account. Don't share this with anyone! Save it in a password manager and keep it safe!</target>
   2134         <note>Label to describe that a private key is the user's secret account key and what they should do with it.</note>
   2135       </trans-unit>
   2136       <trans-unit id="This note contains too many items and cannot be rendered" xml:space="preserve">
   2137         <source>This note contains too many items and cannot be rendered</source>
   2138         <target>This note contains too many items and cannot be rendered</target>
   2139         <note>Error message indicating that a note is too big and cannot be rendered</note>
   2140       </trans-unit>
   2141       <trans-unit id="Thread" xml:space="preserve">
   2142         <source>Thread</source>
   2143         <target>Thread</target>
   2144         <note>Navigation bar title for note thread.</note>
   2145       </trans-unit>
   2146       <trans-unit id="Threads" xml:space="preserve">
   2147         <source>Threads</source>
   2148         <target>Threads</target>
   2149         <note>Section header title for a list of threads that are muted.</note>
   2150       </trans-unit>
   2151       <trans-unit id="To continue your Purple subscription checkout, please verify your npub by clicking on the button below" xml:space="preserve">
   2152         <source>To continue your Purple subscription checkout, please verify your npub by clicking on the button below</source>
   2153         <target>To continue your Purple subscription checkout, please verify your npub by clicking on the button below</target>
   2154         <note>Instruction on how to verify npub during Damus Purple checkout</note>
   2155       </trans-unit>
   2156       <trans-unit id="Top Zap" xml:space="preserve">
   2157         <source>Top Zap</source>
   2158         <target>Top Zap</target>
   2159         <note>Text indicating that this zap is the one with the highest amount of sats.</note>
   2160       </trans-unit>
   2161       <trans-unit id="Top hits" xml:space="preserve">
   2162         <source>Top hits</source>
   2163         <target>Top hits</target>
   2164         <note>A label indicating that the notes being displayed below it are all top note search results</note>
   2165       </trans-unit>
   2166       <trans-unit id="Translate DMs" xml:space="preserve">
   2167         <source>Translate DMs</source>
   2168         <target>Translate DMs</target>
   2169         <note>Toggle to translate direct messages.</note>
   2170       </trans-unit>
   2171       <trans-unit id="Translate Note" xml:space="preserve">
   2172         <source>Translate Note</source>
   2173         <target>Translate Note</target>
   2174         <note>Button to translate note from different language.</note>
   2175       </trans-unit>
   2176       <trans-unit id="Translated from %@" xml:space="preserve">
   2177         <source>Translated from %@</source>
   2178         <target>Translated from %@</target>
   2179         <note>Button to indicate that the note has been translated from a different language.</note>
   2180       </trans-unit>
   2181       <trans-unit id="Translation" xml:space="preserve">
   2182         <source>Translation</source>
   2183         <target>Translation</target>
   2184         <note>Navigation title for translation settings.
   2185    Section header for text and appearance settings</note>
   2186       </trans-unit>
   2187       <trans-unit id="Translations" xml:space="preserve">
   2188         <source>Translations</source>
   2189         <target>Translations</target>
   2190         <note>Section title for selecting the translation service.</note>
   2191       </trans-unit>
   2192       <trans-unit id="Truncate notification mention text" xml:space="preserve">
   2193         <source>Truncate notification mention text</source>
   2194         <target>Truncate notification mention text</target>
   2195         <note>Setting to truncate text in mention notifications</note>
   2196       </trans-unit>
   2197       <trans-unit id="Truncate timeline text" xml:space="preserve">
   2198         <source>Truncate timeline text</source>
   2199         <target>Truncate timeline text</target>
   2200         <note>Setting to truncate text in timeline</note>
   2201       </trans-unit>
   2202       <trans-unit id="Type %@ to delete" xml:space="preserve">
   2203         <source>Type %@ to delete</source>
   2204         <target>Type %@ to delete</target>
   2205         <note>Text field prompt asking user to type DELETE in all caps to confirm that they want to proceed with deleting their account.</note>
   2206       </trans-unit>
   2207       <trans-unit id="Type your note here..." xml:space="preserve">
   2208         <source>Type your note here...</source>
   2209         <target>Type your note here...</target>
   2210         <note>Text box prompt to ask user to type their note.</note>
   2211       </trans-unit>
   2212       <trans-unit id="URL" xml:space="preserve">
   2213         <source>URL</source>
   2214         <target>URL</target>
   2215         <note>Custom URL host for Damus Purple testing
   2216    Example URL to LibreTranslate server</note>
   2217       </trans-unit>
   2218       <trans-unit id="Unable to find a QR Code" xml:space="preserve">
   2219         <source>Unable to find a QR Code</source>
   2220         <target>Unable to find a QR Code</target>
   2221         <note>Alert message letting user know a QR Code was not found.</note>
   2222       </trans-unit>
   2223       <trans-unit id="Unfollow" xml:space="preserve">
   2224         <source>Unfollow</source>
   2225         <target>Unfollow</target>
   2226         <note>Button to unfollow a user.</note>
   2227       </trans-unit>
   2228       <trans-unit id="Unfollow hashtag" xml:space="preserve">
   2229         <source>Unfollow hashtag</source>
   2230         <target>Unfollow hashtag</target>
   2231         <note>Button to unfollow a given hashtag.</note>
   2232       </trans-unit>
   2233       <trans-unit id="Unfollowing..." xml:space="preserve">
   2234         <source>Unfollowing...</source>
   2235         <target>Unfollowing...</target>
   2236         <note>Label to indicate that the user is in the process of unfollowing another user.</note>
   2237       </trans-unit>
   2238       <trans-unit id="Universe 🛸" xml:space="preserve">
   2239         <source>Universe 🛸</source>
   2240         <target>Universe 🛸</target>
   2241         <note>Toolbar label for the universal view where notes from all connected relay servers appear.</note>
   2242       </trans-unit>
   2243       <trans-unit id="Unmute" xml:space="preserve">
   2244         <source>Unmute</source>
   2245         <target>Unmute</target>
   2246         <note>Button to unmute a profile.</note>
   2247       </trans-unit>
   2248       <trans-unit id="Unmute Hashtag" xml:space="preserve">
   2249         <source>Unmute Hashtag</source>
   2250         <target>Unmute Hashtag</target>
   2251         <note>Label represnting a button that the user can tap to unmute a given hashtag so they start seeing it in their feed again.</note>
   2252       </trans-unit>
   2253       <trans-unit id="Unmute conversation" xml:space="preserve">
   2254         <source>Unmute conversation</source>
   2255         <target>Unmute conversation</target>
   2256         <note>Context menu option for unmuting a conversation.</note>
   2257       </trans-unit>
   2258       <trans-unit id="Upload" xml:space="preserve">
   2259         <source>Upload</source>
   2260         <target>Upload</target>
   2261         <note>Button to proceed with uploading.</note>
   2262       </trans-unit>
   2263       <trans-unit id="User Statuses" xml:space="preserve">
   2264         <source>User Statuses</source>
   2265         <target>User Statuses</target>
   2266         <note>Section header for user profile status settings.</note>
   2267       </trans-unit>
   2268       <trans-unit id="User has been muted" xml:space="preserve">
   2269         <source>User has been muted</source>
   2270         <target>User has been muted</target>
   2271         <note>Alert message that informs a user was muted.</note>
   2272       </trans-unit>
   2273       <trans-unit id="User muted" xml:space="preserve">
   2274         <source>User muted</source>
   2275         <target>User muted</target>
   2276         <note>Alert message to indicate the user has been muted</note>
   2277       </trans-unit>
   2278       <trans-unit id="Username" xml:space="preserve">
   2279         <source>Username</source>
   2280         <target>Username</target>
   2281         <note>Label for Username section of user profile form.</note>
   2282       </trans-unit>
   2283       <trans-unit id="Users" xml:space="preserve">
   2284         <source>Users</source>
   2285         <target>Users</target>
   2286         <note>Section header title for a list of muted users.</note>
   2287       </trans-unit>
   2288       <trans-unit id="VERSION" xml:space="preserve">
   2289         <source>VERSION</source>
   2290         <target>VERSION</target>
   2291         <note>Text label indicating which version of the relay software is being run for this Nostr relay.</note>
   2292       </trans-unit>
   2293       <trans-unit id="Verified!" xml:space="preserve">
   2294         <source>Verified!</source>
   2295         <target>Verified!</target>
   2296         <note>Instructions after the user has verified their npub for Damus Purple purchase checkout</note>
   2297       </trans-unit>
   2298       <trans-unit id="Verify my npub" xml:space="preserve">
   2299         <source>Verify my npub</source>
   2300         <target>Verify my npub</target>
   2301         <note>Button label to verify the user's npub for the purpose of Purple subscription checkout</note>
   2302       </trans-unit>
   2303       <trans-unit id="Version" xml:space="preserve">
   2304         <source>Version</source>
   2305         <target>Version</target>
   2306         <note>Section title for displaying the version number of the Damus app.</note>
   2307       </trans-unit>
   2308       <trans-unit id="View QR Code" xml:space="preserve">
   2309         <source>View QR Code</source>
   2310         <target>View QR Code</target>
   2311         <note>Button to switch to view users QR Code</note>
   2312       </trans-unit>
   2313       <trans-unit id="View full profile" xml:space="preserve">
   2314         <source>View full profile</source>
   2315         <target>View full profile</target>
   2316         <note>A button label that allows the user to see the full profile of the profile they are previewing</note>
   2317       </trans-unit>
   2318       <trans-unit id="View multiple events per user" xml:space="preserve">
   2319         <source>View multiple events per user</source>
   2320         <target>View multiple events per user</target>
   2321         <note>Setting to only see 1 event per user (npub) in the search/universe</note>
   2322       </trans-unit>
   2323       <trans-unit id="Visit the Damus website on a web browser to manage billing" xml:space="preserve">
   2324         <source>Visit the Damus website on a web browser to manage billing</source>
   2325         <target>Visit the Damus website on a web browser to manage billing</target>
   2326         <note>Instruction on how to manage billing externally</note>
   2327       </trans-unit>
   2329         <source>WARNING:
   2336         <target>WARNING:
   2343         <note>Alert for deleting the users account.</note>
   2344       </trans-unit>
   2345       <trans-unit id="Wake up, %@" xml:space="preserve">
   2346         <source>Wake up, %@</source>
   2347         <target>Wake up, %@</target>
   2348         <note>Text telling the user to wake up, where the argument is their display name.</note>
   2349       </trans-unit>
   2350       <trans-unit id="Wallet" xml:space="preserve">
   2351         <source>Wallet</source>
   2352         <target>Wallet</target>
   2353         <note>Navigation title for attaching Nostr Wallet Connect lightning wallet.
   2354    Navigation title for Wallet view
   2355    Sidebar menu label for Wallet view.
   2356    Title for section in zap settings that controls the Lightning wallet selection.</note>
   2357       </trans-unit>
   2358       <trans-unit id="Wallet Address" xml:space="preserve">
   2359         <source>Wallet Address</source>
   2360         <target>Wallet Address</target>
   2361         <note>Label text indicating that below it is the wallet address.</note>
   2362       </trans-unit>
   2363       <trans-unit id="Wallet Relay" xml:space="preserve">
   2364         <source>Wallet Relay</source>
   2365         <target>Wallet Relay</target>
   2366         <note>Label text indicating that below it is the information about the wallet relay.</note>
   2367       </trans-unit>
   2368       <trans-unit id="Website" xml:space="preserve">
   2369         <source>Website</source>
   2370         <target>Website</target>
   2371         <note>Label for Website section of user profile form.</note>
   2372       </trans-unit>
   2373       <trans-unit id="Welcome to Damus" xml:space="preserve">
   2374         <source>Welcome to Damus</source>
   2375         <target>Welcome to Damus</target>
   2376         <note>Welcome text shown on the first screen when user is not logged in.</note>
   2377       </trans-unit>
   2378       <trans-unit id="Welcome to Purple" xml:space="preserve">
   2379         <source>Welcome to Purple</source>
   2380         <target>Welcome to Purple</target>
   2381         <note>Greeting to subscription service</note>
   2382       </trans-unit>
   2383       <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network %@ control." xml:space="preserve">
   2384         <source>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</source>
   2385         <target>Welcome to the social network %@ control.</target>
   2386         <note>Welcoming message to the reader. The variable is 'you', the reader.</note>
   2387       </trans-unit>
   2388       <trans-unit id="Welcome to the social network you control" xml:space="preserve">
   2389         <source>Welcome to the social network you control</source>
   2390         <target>Welcome to the social network you control</target>
   2391         <note>Welcome text</note>
   2392       </trans-unit>
   2393       <trans-unit id="Welcome!" xml:space="preserve">
   2394         <source>Welcome!</source>
   2395         <target>Welcome!</target>
   2396         <note>Text to welcome user.</note>
   2397       </trans-unit>
   2398       <trans-unit id="Welcome, %@!" xml:space="preserve">
   2399         <source>Welcome, %@!</source>
   2400         <target>Welcome, %@!</target>
   2401         <note>Text to welcome user.</note>
   2402       </trans-unit>
   2403       <trans-unit id="What do you want to report?" xml:space="preserve">
   2404         <source>What do you want to report?</source>
   2405         <target>What do you want to report?</target>
   2406         <note>Header text to prompt user what issue they want to report.</note>
   2407       </trans-unit>
   2408       <trans-unit id="What is Nostr?" xml:space="preserve">
   2409         <source>What is Nostr?</source>
   2410         <target>What is Nostr?</target>
   2411         <note>Heading text for section describing what is Nostr.</note>
   2412       </trans-unit>
   2413       <trans-unit id="Who to Follow" xml:space="preserve">
   2414         <source>Who to Follow</source>
   2415         <target>Who to Follow</target>
   2416         <note>Title for a screen displaying suggestions of who to follow</note>
   2417       </trans-unit>
   2418       <trans-unit id="Why we need Nostr?" xml:space="preserve">
   2419         <source>Why we need Nostr?</source>
   2420         <target>Why we need Nostr?</target>
   2421         <note>Heading text for section describing why Nostr is needed.</note>
   2422       </trans-unit>
   2423       <trans-unit id="Words" xml:space="preserve">
   2424         <source>Words</source>
   2425         <target>Words</target>
   2426         <note>Section header title for a list of words that are muted.</note>
   2427       </trans-unit>
   2428       <trans-unit id="Yes" xml:space="preserve">
   2429         <source>Yes</source>
   2430         <target>Yes</target>
   2431         <note>User confirm Yes</note>
   2432       </trans-unit>
   2433       <trans-unit id="Yes, Overwrite" xml:space="preserve">
   2434         <source>Yes, Overwrite</source>
   2435         <target>Yes, Overwrite</target>
   2436         <note>Text of button that confirms to overwrite the existing mutelist.</note>
   2437       </trans-unit>
   2438       <trans-unit id="You are dreaming..." xml:space="preserve">
   2439         <source>You are dreaming...</source>
   2440         <target>You are dreaming...</target>
   2441         <note>Text telling the user that they are dreaming.</note>
   2442       </trans-unit>
   2443       <trans-unit id="You have no bookmarks yet, add them in the context menu" xml:space="preserve">
   2444         <source>You have no bookmarks yet, add them in the context menu</source>
   2445         <target>You have no bookmarks yet, add them in the context menu</target>
   2446         <note>Text indicating that there are no bookmarks to be viewed</note>
   2447       </trans-unit>
   2448       <trans-unit id="You unlocked" xml:space="preserve">
   2449         <source>You unlocked</source>
   2450         <target>You unlocked</target>
   2451         <note>Part 1 of 2 in message 'You unlocked automatic translations' the user gets when they sign up for Damus Purple</note>
   2452       </trans-unit>
   2453       <trans-unit id="Your Name" xml:space="preserve">
   2454         <source>Your Name</source>
   2455         <target>Your Name</target>
   2456         <note>Label for Your Name section of user profile form.</note>
   2457       </trans-unit>
   2458       <trans-unit id="Your Purple subscription expires in %@ days. Renew?" xml:space="preserve">
   2459         <source>Your Purple subscription expires in %@ days. Renew?</source>
   2460         <target>Your Purple subscription expires in %@ days. Renew?</target>
   2461         <note>A notification message explaining to the user that their Damus Purple Subscription is expiring soon, prompting them to renew.</note>
   2462       </trans-unit>
   2463       <trans-unit id="Your Purple subscription expires in 1 day. Renew?" xml:space="preserve">
   2464         <source>Your Purple subscription expires in 1 day. Renew?</source>
   2465         <target>Your Purple subscription expires in 1 day. Renew?</target>
   2466         <note>A notification message explaining to the user that their Damus Purple Subscription is expiring in one day, prompting them to renew.</note>
   2467       </trans-unit>
   2468       <trans-unit id="Your Purple subscription has expired. Renew?" xml:space="preserve">
   2469         <source>Your Purple subscription has expired. Renew?</source>
   2470         <target>Your Purple subscription has expired. Renew?</target>
   2471         <note>A notification message explaining to the user that their Damus Purple Subscription has expired, prompting them to renew.</note>
   2472       </trans-unit>
   2473       <trans-unit id="Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to" xml:space="preserve">
   2474         <source>Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to</source>
   2475         <target>Your report will be sent to the relays you are connected to</target>
   2476         <note>Footer text to inform user what will happen when the report is submitted.</note>
   2477       </trans-unit>
   2478       <trans-unit id="Zap" xml:space="preserve">
   2479         <source>Zap</source>
   2480         <target>Zap</target>
   2481         <note>Accessibility label for zap button
   2482    Button label that allows the user to zap (i.e. send a Bitcoin tip via the lightning network) the user shown on-screen
   2483    Title of notification when a non-private zap is received.</note>
   2484       </trans-unit>
   2485       <trans-unit id="Zap User" xml:space="preserve">
   2486         <source>Zap User</source>
   2487         <target>Zap User</target>
   2488         <note>Button to send a zap.</note>
   2489       </trans-unit>
   2490       <trans-unit id="Zap Vibration" xml:space="preserve">
   2491         <source>Zap Vibration</source>
   2492         <target>Zap Vibration</target>
   2493         <note>Setting to enable vibration on zap</note>
   2494       </trans-unit>
   2495       <trans-unit id="Zap attempt from connected wallet failed." xml:space="preserve">
   2496         <source>Zap attempt from connected wallet failed.</source>
   2497         <target>Zap attempt from connected wallet failed.</target>
   2498         <note>Message to display when sending a zap from the user's connected wallet failed.</note>
   2499       </trans-unit>
   2500       <trans-unit id="Zap attempt from connected wallet was canceled." xml:space="preserve">
   2501         <source>Zap attempt from connected wallet was canceled.</source>
   2502         <target>Zap attempt from connected wallet was canceled.</target>
   2503         <note>Message to display when a zap from the user's connected wallet was canceled.</note>
   2504       </trans-unit>
   2505       <trans-unit id="Zap failed" xml:space="preserve">
   2506         <source>Zap failed</source>
   2507         <target>Zap failed</target>
   2508         <note>Button label indicating that a zap action was unsuccessful (i.e. the user was unable to send a Bitcoin tip via the lightning network to the user shown on-screen)</note>
   2509       </trans-unit>
   2510       <trans-unit id="Zap type" xml:space="preserve">
   2511         <source>Zap type</source>
   2512         <target>Zap type</target>
   2513         <note>Text to indicate that the buttons below it is for choosing the type of zap to send.</note>
   2514       </trans-unit>
   2515       <trans-unit id="Zapped!" xml:space="preserve">
   2516         <source>Zapped!</source>
   2517         <target>Zapped!</target>
   2518         <note>Button label indicating that a zap action was successful (i.e. the user is successfully sent a Bitcoin tip via the lightning network to the user shown on-screen)</note>
   2519       </trans-unit>
   2520       <trans-unit id="Zapping" xml:space="preserve">
   2521         <source>Zapping</source>
   2522         <target>Zapping</target>
   2523         <note>Button label indicating that a zap action is in progress (i.e. the user is currently sending a Bitcoin tip via the lightning network to the user shown on-screen)</note>
   2524       </trans-unit>
   2525       <trans-unit id="Zapping..." xml:space="preserve">
   2526         <source>Zapping...</source>
   2527         <target>Zapping...</target>
   2528         <note>Text to indicate that the app is in the process of sending a zap.</note>
   2529       </trans-unit>
   2530       <trans-unit id="Zaps" xml:space="preserve">
   2531         <source>Zaps</source>
   2532         <target>Zaps</target>
   2533         <note>Navigation bar title for the Zaps view.
   2534    Navigation title for zap settings.
   2535    Section header for zap settings
   2536    Setting to enable Zap Local Notification
   2537    Title for section in zap settings that controls general zap preferences.</note>
   2538       </trans-unit>
   2539       <trans-unit id="https://example.com/pic.jpg" xml:space="preserve">
   2540         <source>https://example.com/pic.jpg</source>
   2541         <target>https://example.com/pic.jpg</target>
   2542         <note>Placeholder example text for profile picture URL.</note>
   2543       </trans-unit>
   2544       <trans-unit id="https://jb55.com" xml:space="preserve">
   2545         <source>https://jb55.com</source>
   2546         <target>https://jb55.com</target>
   2547         <note>Placeholder example text for website URL for user profile.</note>
   2548       </trans-unit>
   2549       <trans-unit id="jb55@jb55.com" xml:space="preserve">
   2550         <source>jb55@jb55.com</source>
   2551         <target>jb55@jb55.com</target>
   2552         <note>Placeholder example text for identifier used for Nostr addresses.</note>
   2553       </trans-unit>
   2554       <trans-unit id="none" xml:space="preserve">
   2555         <source>none</source>
   2556         <target>none</target>
   2557         <note>No search results.</note>
   2558       </trans-unit>
   2559       <trans-unit id="none_translation_service" xml:space="preserve">
   2560         <source>None</source>
   2561         <target>None</target>
   2562         <note>Dropdown option for selecting no translation service.</note>
   2563       </trans-unit>
   2564       <trans-unit id="now" xml:space="preserve">
   2565         <source>now</source>
   2566         <target>now</target>
   2567         <note>Relative time label that indicates a notification happened now
   2568    String indicating that a given timestamp just occurred</note>
   2569       </trans-unit>
   2570       <trans-unit id="npub, #hashtag, phrase" xml:space="preserve">
   2571         <source>npub, #hashtag, phrase</source>
   2572         <target>npub, #hashtag, phrase</target>
   2573         <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note>
   2574       </trans-unit>
   2575       <trans-unit id="nsec1..." xml:space="preserve">
   2576         <source>nsec1...</source>
   2577         <target>nsec1...</target>
   2578         <note>Prompt for user to enter in an account key to login. This text shows the characters the key could start with if it was a private key.</note>
   2579       </trans-unit>
   2580       <trans-unit id="optional" xml:space="preserve">
   2581         <source>optional</source>
   2582         <target>optional</target>
   2583         <note>Label indicating that a form input is optional.</note>
   2584       </trans-unit>
   2585       <trans-unit id="private_zap_description" xml:space="preserve">
   2586         <source>Only '%@' will see that you zapped them</source>
   2587         <target>Only '%@' will see that you zapped them</target>
   2588         <note>Description of private zap type where the zap is sent privately and does not identify the user to the public.</note>
   2589       </trans-unit>
   2590       <trans-unit id="reacted_tagged_in_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2591         <source>%@ reacted to a note you were tagged in</source>
   2592         <target>%@ reacted to a note you were tagged in</target>
   2593         <note>Notification that a user reacted to a note that the current user was tagged in</note>
   2594       </trans-unit>
   2595       <trans-unit id="reacted_tagged_in_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2596         <source>%@ and %@ reacted to a note you were tagged in</source>
   2597         <target>%@ and %@ reacted to a note you were tagged in</target>
   2598         <note>Notification that 2 users reacted to a note that the current user was tagged in</note>
   2599       </trans-unit>
   2600       <trans-unit id="reacted_your_note_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2601         <source>%@ reacted to your note</source>
   2602         <target>%@ reacted to your note</target>
   2603         <note>Notification that a user reacted to the current user's note</note>
   2604       </trans-unit>
   2605       <trans-unit id="reacted_your_note_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2606         <source>%@ and %@ reacted to your note</source>
   2607         <target>%@ and %@ reacted to your note</target>
   2608         <note>Notification that 2 users reacted to the current user's profile</note>
   2609       </trans-unit>
   2610       <trans-unit id="reacted_your_profile_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2611         <source>%@ reacted to your profile</source>
   2612         <target>%@ reacted to your profile</target>
   2613         <note>Notification that a user reacted to the current user's profile</note>
   2614       </trans-unit>
   2615       <trans-unit id="reacted_your_profile_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2616         <source>%@ and %@ reacted to your profile</source>
   2617         <target>%@ and %@ reacted to your profile</target>
   2618         <note>Notification that 2 users reacted to the current user's profile</note>
   2619       </trans-unit>
   2620       <trans-unit id="reposted_tagged_in_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2621         <source>%@ reposted a note you were tagged in</source>
   2622         <target>%@ reposted a note you were tagged in</target>
   2623         <note>Notification that a user reposted a note that the current user was tagged in</note>
   2624       </trans-unit>
   2625       <trans-unit id="reposted_tagged_in_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2626         <source>%@ and %@ reposted a note you were tagged in</source>
   2627         <target>%@ and %@ reposted a note you were tagged in</target>
   2628         <note>Notification that 2 users reposted a note that the current user was tagged in</note>
   2629       </trans-unit>
   2630       <trans-unit id="reposted_your_note_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2631         <source>%@ reposted your note</source>
   2632         <target>%@ reposted your note</target>
   2633         <note>Notification that a user reposted the current user's note</note>
   2634       </trans-unit>
   2635       <trans-unit id="reposted_your_note_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2636         <source>%@ and %@ reposted your note</source>
   2637         <target>%@ and %@ reposted your note</target>
   2638         <note>Notification that 2 users reposted the current user's note</note>
   2639       </trans-unit>
   2640       <trans-unit id="reposted_your_profile_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2641         <source>%@ reposted your profile</source>
   2642         <target>%@ reposted your profile</target>
   2643         <note>Notification that a user reposted the current user's profile</note>
   2644       </trans-unit>
   2645       <trans-unit id="reposted_your_profile_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2646         <source>%@ and %@ reposted your profile</source>
   2647         <target>%@ and %@ reposted your profile</target>
   2648         <note>Notification that 2 users reposted the current user's profile</note>
   2649       </trans-unit>
   2650       <trans-unit id="self" xml:space="preserve">
   2651         <source>self</source>
   2652         <target>self</target>
   2653         <note>Part of a larger sentence 'Replying to self' in US English. 'self' indicates that the user is replying to themself and no one else.</note>
   2654       </trans-unit>
   2655       <trans-unit id="translate.nostr.wine (DeepL, Pay with BTC)" xml:space="preserve">
   2656         <source>translate.nostr.wine (DeepL, Pay with BTC)</source>
   2657         <target>translate.nostr.wine (DeepL, Pay with BTC)</target>
   2658         <note>Dropdown option for selecting translate.nostr.wine as the translation service.</note>
   2659       </trans-unit>
   2660       <trans-unit id="wss://some.relay.com" xml:space="preserve">
   2661         <source>wss://some.relay.com</source>
   2662         <target>wss://some.relay.com</target>
   2663         <note>Placeholder example for relay server address.</note>
   2664       </trans-unit>
   2665       <trans-unit id="you" xml:space="preserve">
   2666         <source>you</source>
   2667         <target>you</target>
   2668         <note>You, in this context, is the person who controls their own social network. You is used in the context of a larger sentence that welcomes the reader to the social network that they control themself.</note>
   2669       </trans-unit>
   2670       <trans-unit id="zapped_tagged_in_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2671         <source>%@ zapped a note you were tagged in</source>
   2672         <target>%@ zapped a note you were tagged in</target>
   2673         <note>Notification that a user zapped a note that the current user was tagged in</note>
   2674       </trans-unit>
   2675       <trans-unit id="zapped_tagged_in_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2676         <source>%@ and %@ zapped a note you were tagged in</source>
   2677         <target>%@ and %@ zapped a note you were tagged in</target>
   2678         <note>Notification that 2 users zapped a note that the current user was tagged in</note>
   2679       </trans-unit>
   2680       <trans-unit id="zapped_your_note_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2681         <source>%@ zapped your note</source>
   2682         <target>%@ zapped your note</target>
   2683         <note>Notification that a user zapped the current user's note</note>
   2684       </trans-unit>
   2685       <trans-unit id="zapped_your_note_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2686         <source>%@ and %@ zapped your note</source>
   2687         <target>%@ and %@ zapped your note</target>
   2688         <note>Notification that 2 users zapped the current user's note</note>
   2689       </trans-unit>
   2690       <trans-unit id="zapped_your_profile_1" xml:space="preserve">
   2691         <source>%@ zapped you</source>
   2692         <target>%@ zapped you</target>
   2693         <note>Notification that a user zapped the current user's profile</note>
   2694       </trans-unit>
   2695       <trans-unit id="zapped_your_profile_2" xml:space="preserve">
   2696         <source>%@ and %@ zapped you</source>
   2697         <target>%@ and %@ zapped you</target>
   2698         <note>Notification that 2 users zapped the current user's profile</note>
   2699       </trans-unit>
   2700     </body>
   2701   </file>
   2702   <file original="damus/en-US.lproj/Localizable.stringsdict" source-language="en-US" target-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext">
   2703     <header>
   2704       <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="15.3" build-num="15E204a"/>
   2705     </header>
   2706     <body>
   2707       <trans-unit id="/followed_by_three_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2708         <source>%#@OTHERS@</source>
   2709         <target>%#@OTHERS@</target>
   2710         <note/>
   2711       </trans-unit>
   2712       <trans-unit id="/followed_by_three_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2713         <source>Followed by %2$@, %3$@, %4$@ &amp; %1$d other</source>
   2714         <target>Followed by %2$@, %3$@, %4$@ &amp; %1$d other</target>
   2715         <note/>
   2716       </trans-unit>
   2717       <trans-unit id="/followed_by_three_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2718         <source>Followed by %2$@, %3$@, %4$@ &amp; %1$d others</source>
   2719         <target>Followed by %2$@, %3$@, %4$@ &amp; %1$d others</target>
   2720         <note/>
   2721       </trans-unit>
   2722       <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2723         <source>Follower</source>
   2724         <target>Follower</target>
   2725         <note/>
   2726       </trans-unit>
   2727       <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/FOLLOWERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2728         <source>Followers</source>
   2729         <target>Followers</target>
   2730         <note/>
   2731       </trans-unit>
   2732       <trans-unit id="/followers_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2733         <source>%#@FOLLOWERS@</source>
   2734         <target>%#@FOLLOWERS@</target>
   2735         <note/>
   2736       </trans-unit>
   2737       <trans-unit id="/following_count:dict/FOLLOWING:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2738         <source>Following</source>
   2739         <target>Following</target>
   2740         <note/>
   2741       </trans-unit>
   2742       <trans-unit id="/following_count:dict/FOLLOWING:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2743         <source>Following</source>
   2744         <target>Following</target>
   2745         <note/>
   2746       </trans-unit>
   2747       <trans-unit id="/following_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2748         <source>%#@FOLLOWING@</source>
   2749         <target>%#@FOLLOWING@</target>
   2750         <note/>
   2751       </trans-unit>
   2752       <trans-unit id="/imports_count:dict/IMPORTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2753         <source>Import</source>
   2754         <target>Import</target>
   2755         <note/>
   2756       </trans-unit>
   2757       <trans-unit id="/imports_count:dict/IMPORTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2758         <source>Imports</source>
   2759         <target>Imports</target>
   2760         <note/>
   2761       </trans-unit>
   2762       <trans-unit id="/imports_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2763         <source>%#@IMPORTS@</source>
   2764         <target>%#@IMPORTS@</target>
   2765         <note/>
   2766       </trans-unit>
   2767       <trans-unit id="/quoted_reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2768         <source>%#@QUOTE_REPOSTS@</source>
   2769         <target>%#@QUOTE_REPOSTS@</target>
   2770         <note/>
   2771       </trans-unit>
   2772       <trans-unit id="/quoted_reposts_count:dict/QUOTE_REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2773         <source>Quote</source>
   2774         <target>Quote</target>
   2775         <note/>
   2776       </trans-unit>
   2777       <trans-unit id="/quoted_reposts_count:dict/QUOTE_REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2778         <source>Quotes</source>
   2779         <target>Quotes</target>
   2780         <note/>
   2781       </trans-unit>
   2782       <trans-unit id="/reacted_tagged_in_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2783         <source>%#@REACTED@</source>
   2784         <target>%#@REACTED@</target>
   2785         <note/>
   2786       </trans-unit>
   2787       <trans-unit id="/reacted_tagged_in_3:dict/REACTED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2788         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other reacted to a note you were tagged in</source>
   2789         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other reacted to a note you were tagged in</target>
   2790         <note/>
   2791       </trans-unit>
   2792       <trans-unit id="/reacted_tagged_in_3:dict/REACTED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2793         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others reacted to a note you were tagged in</source>
   2794         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others reacted to a note you were tagged in</target>
   2795         <note/>
   2796       </trans-unit>
   2797       <trans-unit id="/reacted_your_note_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2798         <source>%#@REACTED@</source>
   2799         <target>%#@REACTED@</target>
   2800         <note/>
   2801       </trans-unit>
   2802       <trans-unit id="/reacted_your_note_3:dict/REACTED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2803         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other reacted to your note</source>
   2804         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other reacted to your note</target>
   2805         <note/>
   2806       </trans-unit>
   2807       <trans-unit id="/reacted_your_note_3:dict/REACTED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2808         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others reacted to your note</source>
   2809         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others reacted to your note</target>
   2810         <note/>
   2811       </trans-unit>
   2812       <trans-unit id="/reacted_your_profile_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2813         <source>%#@REACTED@</source>
   2814         <target>%#@REACTED@</target>
   2815         <note/>
   2816       </trans-unit>
   2817       <trans-unit id="/reacted_your_profile_3:dict/REACTED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2818         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other reacted to your profile</source>
   2819         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other reacted to your profile</target>
   2820         <note/>
   2821       </trans-unit>
   2822       <trans-unit id="/reacted_your_profile_3:dict/REACTED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2823         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others reacted to your profile</source>
   2824         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others reacted to your profile</target>
   2825         <note/>
   2826       </trans-unit>
   2827       <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2828         <source>%#@REACTIONS@</source>
   2829         <target>%#@REACTIONS@</target>
   2830         <note/>
   2831       </trans-unit>
   2832       <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2833         <source>Reaction</source>
   2834         <target>Reaction</target>
   2835         <note/>
   2836       </trans-unit>
   2837       <trans-unit id="/reactions_count:dict/REACTIONS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2838         <source>Reactions</source>
   2839         <target>Reactions</target>
   2840         <note/>
   2841       </trans-unit>
   2842       <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2843         <source>%#@RELAYS@</source>
   2844         <target>%#@RELAYS@</target>
   2845         <note/>
   2846       </trans-unit>
   2847       <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2848         <source>Relay</source>
   2849         <target>Relay</target>
   2850         <note/>
   2851       </trans-unit>
   2852       <trans-unit id="/relays_count:dict/RELAYS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2853         <source>Relays</source>
   2854         <target>Relays</target>
   2855         <note/>
   2856       </trans-unit>
   2857       <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2858         <source>%#@OTHERS@</source>
   2859         <target>%#@OTHERS@</target>
   2860         <note/>
   2861       </trans-unit>
   2862       <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2863         <source>Replying to %2$@, %3$@ &amp; %1$d other</source>
   2864         <target>Replying to %2$@, %3$@ &amp; %1$d other</target>
   2865         <note/>
   2866       </trans-unit>
   2867       <trans-unit id="/replying_to_two_and_others:dict/OTHERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2868         <source>Replying to %2$@, %3$@ &amp; %1$d others</source>
   2869         <target>Replying to %2$@, %3$@ &amp; %1$d others</target>
   2870         <note/>
   2871       </trans-unit>
   2872       <trans-unit id="/reposted_tagged_in_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2873         <source>%#@REPOSTED@</source>
   2874         <target>%#@REPOSTED@</target>
   2875         <note/>
   2876       </trans-unit>
   2877       <trans-unit id="/reposted_tagged_in_3:dict/REPOSTED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2878         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other reposted a note you were tagged in</source>
   2879         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other reposted a note you were tagged in</target>
   2880         <note/>
   2881       </trans-unit>
   2882       <trans-unit id="/reposted_tagged_in_3:dict/REPOSTED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2883         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others reposted a note you were tagged in</source>
   2884         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others reposted a note you were tagged in</target>
   2885         <note/>
   2886       </trans-unit>
   2887       <trans-unit id="/reposted_your_note_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2888         <source>%#@REPOSTED@</source>
   2889         <target>%#@REPOSTED@</target>
   2890         <note/>
   2891       </trans-unit>
   2892       <trans-unit id="/reposted_your_note_3:dict/REPOSTED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2893         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other reposted your note</source>
   2894         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other reposted your note</target>
   2895         <note/>
   2896       </trans-unit>
   2897       <trans-unit id="/reposted_your_note_3:dict/REPOSTED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2898         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others reposted your note</source>
   2899         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others reposted your note</target>
   2900         <note/>
   2901       </trans-unit>
   2902       <trans-unit id="/reposted_your_profile_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2903         <source>%#@REPOSTED@</source>
   2904         <target>%#@REPOSTED@</target>
   2905         <note/>
   2906       </trans-unit>
   2907       <trans-unit id="/reposted_your_profile_3:dict/REPOSTED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2908         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other reposted your profile</source>
   2909         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other reposted your profile</target>
   2910         <note/>
   2911       </trans-unit>
   2912       <trans-unit id="/reposted_your_profile_3:dict/REPOSTED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2913         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others reposted your profile</source>
   2914         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others reposted your profile</target>
   2915         <note/>
   2916       </trans-unit>
   2917       <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2918         <source>%#@REPOSTS@</source>
   2919         <target>%#@REPOSTS@</target>
   2920         <note/>
   2921       </trans-unit>
   2922       <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2923         <source>Repost</source>
   2924         <target>Repost</target>
   2925         <note/>
   2926       </trans-unit>
   2927       <trans-unit id="/reposts_count:dict/REPOSTS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2928         <source>Reposts</source>
   2929         <target>Reposts</target>
   2930         <note/>
   2931       </trans-unit>
   2932       <trans-unit id="/sats:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2933         <source>%#@SATS@</source>
   2934         <target>%#@SATS@</target>
   2935         <note/>
   2936       </trans-unit>
   2937       <trans-unit id="/sats:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2938         <source>sat</source>
   2939         <target>sat</target>
   2940         <note/>
   2941       </trans-unit>
   2942       <trans-unit id="/sats:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2943         <source>sats</source>
   2944         <target>sats</target>
   2945         <note/>
   2946       </trans-unit>
   2947       <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2948         <source>%1$#@SATS@</source>
   2949         <target>%1$#@SATS@</target>
   2950         <note/>
   2951       </trans-unit>
   2952       <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2953         <source>%2$@ sat</source>
   2954         <target>%2$@ sat</target>
   2955         <note/>
   2956       </trans-unit>
   2957       <trans-unit id="/sats_count:dict/SATS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2958         <source>%2$@ sats</source>
   2959         <target>%2$@ sats</target>
   2960         <note/>
   2961       </trans-unit>
   2962       <trans-unit id="/users_talking_about_it:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2963         <source>%#@USERS@</source>
   2964         <target>%#@USERS@</target>
   2965         <note/>
   2966       </trans-unit>
   2967       <trans-unit id="/users_talking_about_it:dict/USERS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2968         <source>%d user talking about it</source>
   2969         <target>%d user talking about it</target>
   2970         <note/>
   2971       </trans-unit>
   2972       <trans-unit id="/users_talking_about_it:dict/USERS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2973         <source>%d users talking about it</source>
   2974         <target>%d users talking about it</target>
   2975         <note/>
   2976       </trans-unit>
   2977       <trans-unit id="/word_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2978         <source>%#@WORDS@</source>
   2979         <target>%#@WORDS@</target>
   2980         <note/>
   2981       </trans-unit>
   2982       <trans-unit id="/word_count:dict/WORDS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2983         <source>%d Word</source>
   2984         <target>%d Word</target>
   2985         <note/>
   2986       </trans-unit>
   2987       <trans-unit id="/word_count:dict/WORDS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2988         <source>%d Words</source>
   2989         <target>%d Words</target>
   2990         <note/>
   2991       </trans-unit>
   2992       <trans-unit id="/zap_notification_no_message:dict/NOTIFICATION:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2993         <source>You received %2$@ sat from %3$@</source>
   2994         <target>You received %2$@ sat from %3$@</target>
   2995         <note/>
   2996       </trans-unit>
   2997       <trans-unit id="/zap_notification_no_message:dict/NOTIFICATION:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   2998         <source>You received %2$@ sats from %3$@</source>
   2999         <target>You received %2$@ sats from %3$@</target>
   3000         <note/>
   3001       </trans-unit>
   3002       <trans-unit id="/zap_notification_no_message:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3003         <source>%1$#@NOTIFICATION@</source>
   3004         <target>%1$#@NOTIFICATION@</target>
   3005         <note/>
   3006       </trans-unit>
   3007       <trans-unit id="/zap_notification_with_message:dict/NOTIFICATION:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3008         <source>You received %2$@ sat from %3$@: "%4$@"</source>
   3009         <target>You received %2$@ sat from %3$@: "%4$@"</target>
   3010         <note/>
   3011       </trans-unit>
   3012       <trans-unit id="/zap_notification_with_message:dict/NOTIFICATION:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3013         <source>You received %2$@ sats from %3$@: "%4$@"</source>
   3014         <target>You received %2$@ sats from %3$@: "%4$@"</target>
   3015         <note/>
   3016       </trans-unit>
   3017       <trans-unit id="/zap_notification_with_message:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3018         <source>%1$#@NOTIFICATION@</source>
   3019         <target>%1$#@NOTIFICATION@</target>
   3020         <note/>
   3021       </trans-unit>
   3022       <trans-unit id="/zapped_tagged_in_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3023         <source>%#@ZAPPED@</source>
   3024         <target>%#@ZAPPED@</target>
   3025         <note/>
   3026       </trans-unit>
   3027       <trans-unit id="/zapped_tagged_in_3:dict/ZAPPED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3028         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other zapped a note you were tagged in</source>
   3029         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other zapped a note you were tagged in</target>
   3030         <note/>
   3031       </trans-unit>
   3032       <trans-unit id="/zapped_tagged_in_3:dict/ZAPPED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3033         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others zapped a note you were tagged in</source>
   3034         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others zapped a note you were tagged in</target>
   3035         <note/>
   3036       </trans-unit>
   3037       <trans-unit id="/zapped_your_note_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3038         <source>%#@ZAPPED@</source>
   3039         <target>%#@ZAPPED@</target>
   3040         <note/>
   3041       </trans-unit>
   3042       <trans-unit id="/zapped_your_note_3:dict/ZAPPED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3043         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other zapped your note</source>
   3044         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other zapped your note</target>
   3045         <note/>
   3046       </trans-unit>
   3047       <trans-unit id="/zapped_your_note_3:dict/ZAPPED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3048         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others zapped your note</source>
   3049         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others zapped your note</target>
   3050         <note/>
   3051       </trans-unit>
   3052       <trans-unit id="/zapped_your_profile_3:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3053         <source>%#@ZAPPED@</source>
   3054         <target>%#@ZAPPED@</target>
   3055         <note/>
   3056       </trans-unit>
   3057       <trans-unit id="/zapped_your_profile_3:dict/ZAPPED:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3058         <source>%2$@ and %1$d other zapped you</source>
   3059         <target>%2$@ and %1$d other zapped you</target>
   3060         <note/>
   3061       </trans-unit>
   3062       <trans-unit id="/zapped_your_profile_3:dict/ZAPPED:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3063         <source>%2$@ and %1$d others zapped you</source>
   3064         <target>%2$@ and %1$d others zapped you</target>
   3065         <note/>
   3066       </trans-unit>
   3067       <trans-unit id="/zaps_count:dict/NSStringLocalizedFormatKey:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3068         <source>%#@ZAPS@</source>
   3069         <target>%#@ZAPS@</target>
   3070         <note/>
   3071       </trans-unit>
   3072       <trans-unit id="/zaps_count:dict/ZAPS:dict/one:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3073         <source>Zap</source>
   3074         <target>Zap</target>
   3075         <note/>
   3076       </trans-unit>
   3077       <trans-unit id="/zaps_count:dict/ZAPS:dict/other:dict/:string" xml:space="preserve">
   3078         <source>Zaps</source>
   3079         <target>Zaps</target>
   3080         <note/>
   3081       </trans-unit>
   3082     </body>
   3083   </file>
   3084   <file original="DamusNotificationService/InfoPlist.xcstrings" source-language="en-US" target-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext">
   3085     <header>
   3086       <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="15.3" build-num="15E204a"/>
   3087     </header>
   3088     <body>
   3089       <trans-unit id="CFBundleDisplayName" xml:space="preserve">
   3090         <source>DamusNotificationService</source>
   3091         <target state="new">DamusNotificationService</target>
   3092         <note>Bundle display name</note>
   3093       </trans-unit>
   3094       <trans-unit id="CFBundleName" xml:space="preserve">
   3095         <source>DamusNotificationService</source>
   3096         <target state="new">DamusNotificationService</target>
   3097         <note>Bundle name</note>
   3098       </trans-unit>
   3099       <trans-unit id="NSHumanReadableCopyright" xml:space="preserve">
   3100         <source/>
   3101         <target state="new"/>
   3102         <note>Copyright (human-readable)</note>
   3103       </trans-unit>
   3104     </body>
   3105   </file>
   3106   <file original="DamusNotificationService/Localizable.xcstrings" source-language="en-US" target-language="en-US" datatype="plaintext">
   3107     <header>
   3108       <tool tool-id="com.apple.dt.xcode" tool-name="Xcode" tool-version="15.3" build-num="15E204a"/>
   3109     </header>
   3110     <body>
   3111       <trans-unit id="" xml:space="preserve">
   3112         <source/>
   3113         <target state="new"/>
   3114         <note/>
   3115       </trans-unit>
   3116       <trans-unit id="%@ reacted with %@" xml:space="preserve">
   3117         <source>%1$@ reacted with %2$@</source>
   3118         <target state="new">%1$@ reacted with %2$@</target>
   3119         <note>Reacted by heading in local notification</note>
   3120       </trans-unit>
   3121       <trans-unit id="(Contents are encrypted)" xml:space="preserve">
   3122         <source>(Contents are encrypted)</source>
   3123         <target state="new">(Contents are encrypted)</target>
   3124         <note>Label on push notification indicating that the contents of the message are encrypted</note>
   3125       </trans-unit>
   3126       <trans-unit id="Anonymous" xml:space="preserve">
   3127         <source>Anonymous</source>
   3128         <target state="new">Anonymous</target>
   3129         <note>Placeholder display name of anonymous user.</note>
   3130       </trans-unit>
   3131       <trans-unit id="Any" xml:space="preserve">
   3132         <source>Any</source>
   3133         <target state="new">Any</target>
   3134         <note>Any amount of sats</note>
   3135       </trans-unit>
   3136       <trans-unit id="Custom" xml:space="preserve">
   3137         <source>Custom</source>
   3138         <target state="new">Custom</target>
   3139         <note>Dropdown option for selecting a custom translation server.</note>
   3140       </trans-unit>
   3141       <trans-unit id="Damus Purple" xml:space="preserve">
   3142         <source>Damus Purple</source>
   3143         <target state="new">Damus Purple</target>
   3144         <note>Dropdown option for selecting Damus Purple as a translation service.</note>
   3145       </trans-unit>
   3146       <trans-unit id="DeepL (Proprietary, Higher Accuracy)" xml:space="preserve">
   3147         <source>DeepL (Proprietary, Higher Accuracy)</source>
   3148         <target state="new">DeepL (Proprietary, Higher Accuracy)</target>
   3149         <note>Dropdown option for selecting DeepL as the translation service.</note>
   3150       </trans-unit>
   3151       <trans-unit id="Free" xml:space="preserve">
   3152         <source>Free</source>
   3153         <target state="new">Free</target>
   3154         <note>Dropdown option for selecting Free plan for DeepL translation service.</note>
   3155       </trans-unit>
   3156       <trans-unit id="LibreTranslate (Open Source)" xml:space="preserve">
   3157         <source>LibreTranslate (Open Source)</source>
   3158         <target state="new">LibreTranslate (Open Source)</target>
   3159         <note>Dropdown option for selecting LibreTranslate as the translation service.</note>
   3160       </trans-unit>
   3161       <trans-unit id="Local default" xml:space="preserve">
   3162         <source>Local default</source>
   3163         <target state="new">Local default</target>
   3164         <note>Dropdown option label for system default for Lightning wallet.</note>
   3165       </trans-unit>
   3166       <trans-unit id="Mentioned by %@" xml:space="preserve">
   3167         <source>Mentioned by %@</source>
   3168         <target state="new">Mentioned by %@</target>
   3169         <note>Mentioned by heading in local notification</note>
   3170       </trans-unit>
   3171       <trans-unit id="New encrypted direct message" xml:space="preserve">
   3172         <source>New encrypted direct message</source>
   3173         <target state="new">New encrypted direct message</target>
   3174         <note>Notification that the user has received a new direct message</note>
   3175       </trans-unit>
   3176       <trans-unit id="New message" xml:space="preserve">
   3177         <source>New message</source>
   3178         <target state="new">New message</target>
   3179         <note>Title label for push notifications where a direct message was sent to the user</note>
   3180       </trans-unit>
   3181       <trans-unit id="New note reaction" xml:space="preserve">
   3182         <source>New note reaction</source>
   3183         <target state="new">New note reaction</target>
   3184         <note>Title label for push notifications where someone reacted to the user's post with a specific emoji</note>
   3185       </trans-unit>
   3186       <trans-unit id="NoKYCTranslate.com (Prepay with BTC)" xml:space="preserve">
   3187         <source>NoKYCTranslate.com (Prepay with BTC)</source>
   3188         <target state="new">NoKYCTranslate.com (Prepay with BTC)</target>
   3189         <note>Dropdown option for selecting NoKYCTranslate.com as the translation service.</note>
   3190       </trans-unit>
   3191       <trans-unit id="Private Zap" xml:space="preserve">
   3192         <source>Private Zap</source>
   3193         <target state="new">Private Zap</target>
   3194         <note>Title of notification when a private zap is received.</note>
   3195       </trans-unit>
   3196       <trans-unit id="Pro" xml:space="preserve">
   3197         <source>Pro</source>
   3198         <target state="new">Pro</target>
   3199         <note>Dropdown option for selecting Pro plan for DeepL translation service.</note>
   3200       </trans-unit>
   3201       <trans-unit id="Production" xml:space="preserve">
   3202         <source>Production</source>
   3203         <target state="new">Production</target>
   3204         <note>Label indicating the production environment for Damus Purple</note>
   3205       </trans-unit>
   3206       <trans-unit id="Reposted by %@" xml:space="preserve">
   3207         <source>Reposted by %@</source>
   3208         <target state="new">Reposted by %@</target>
   3209         <note>Reposted by heading in local notification</note>
   3210       </trans-unit>
   3211       <trans-unit id="Someone posted a note" xml:space="preserve">
   3212         <source>Someone posted a note</source>
   3213         <target state="new">Someone posted a note</target>
   3214         <note>Title label for push notification where someone posted a note</note>
   3215       </trans-unit>
   3216       <trans-unit id="Someone reacted to your note" xml:space="preserve">
   3217         <source>Someone reacted to your note</source>
   3218         <target state="new">Someone reacted to your note</target>
   3219         <note>Generic title label for push notifications where someone reacted to the user's post</note>
   3220       </trans-unit>
   3221       <trans-unit id="Someone reacted to your note with %@" xml:space="preserve">
   3222         <source>Someone reacted to your note with %@</source>
   3223         <target state="new">Someone reacted to your note with %@</target>
   3224         <note>Body label for push notifications where someone reacted to the user's post with a specific emoji</note>
   3225       </trans-unit>
   3226       <trans-unit id="Someone zapped you ⚡️" xml:space="preserve">
   3227         <source>Someone zapped you ⚡️</source>
   3228         <target state="new">Someone zapped you ⚡️</target>
   3229         <note>Title label for a push notification where someone zapped the user</note>
   3230       </trans-unit>
   3231       <trans-unit id="Staging" xml:space="preserve">
   3232         <source>Staging</source>
   3233         <target state="new">Staging</target>
   3234         <note>Label indicating a staging test environment for Damus Purple functionality (Developer feature)</note>
   3235       </trans-unit>
   3236       <trans-unit id="Test (local)" xml:space="preserve">
   3237         <source>Test (local)</source>
   3238         <target state="new">Test (local)</target>
   3239         <note>Label indicating a local test environment for Damus Purple functionality (Developer feature)</note>
   3240       </trans-unit>
   3241       <trans-unit id="This note contains too many items and cannot be rendered" xml:space="preserve">
   3242         <source>This note contains too many items and cannot be rendered</source>
   3243         <target state="new">This note contains too many items and cannot be rendered</target>
   3244         <note>Error message indicating that a note is too big and cannot be rendered</note>
   3245       </trans-unit>
   3246       <trans-unit id="Zap" xml:space="preserve">
   3247         <source>Zap</source>
   3248         <target state="new">Zap</target>
   3249         <note>Title of notification when a non-private zap is received.</note>
   3250       </trans-unit>
   3251       <trans-unit id="none_translation_service" xml:space="preserve">
   3252         <source>None</source>
   3253         <target state="new">None</target>
   3254         <note>Dropdown option for selecting no translation service.</note>
   3255       </trans-unit>
   3256       <trans-unit id="translate.nostr.wine (DeepL, Pay with BTC)" xml:space="preserve">
   3257         <source>translate.nostr.wine (DeepL, Pay with BTC)</source>
   3258         <target state="new">translate.nostr.wine (DeepL, Pay with BTC)</target>
   3259         <note>Dropdown option for selecting translate.nostr.wine as the translation service.</note>
   3260       </trans-unit>
   3261     </body>
   3262   </file>
   3263 </xliff>